Page 40 of The Billionaire's Rival (The Blank Check 1)
Charles fought to hold back his laughter. Seth was always able to knock Gareth down a peg or two. Thankfully, because Gareth at times was overconfident.
“Is there a family meeting no one invited me to?” Dylan asked from the door.
Really? Doesn’t anyone fucking work around here?“They were just leaving.”
“Yeah. We’re going to breakfast to discuss Charles’s romantic weekend,” Seth said.
This was getting out of control. If he didn’t put an end to it, they’d have him married off by lunch. He stood up and pointed at the door. “See it? Close it on your way out.”
Dylan looked at both Seth and Gareth and said, “Pissing him off so early is usually my job. What did you guys do?”
“It wasn’t me,” Gareth said.
“Enough!” Charles barked. “My relationship is none of your business. If you have any questions or comments, keep them to your fucking self. This is not social hour. We’re running a business. Seth, you were supposed to have a file on my desk first thing this morning. Do you have it?”
Seth held it up. “That’s why I’m here.”
“Good. Dylan, any luck with negotiating pricing the electrical for the Smith’s job next week?”
Dylan nodded. “Another six thousand dollars taken off the labor side while still using top quality products.”
“Great,” Charles said. Then he looked at Gareth. “Guess you’re free to go have breakfast now.”
Gareth got up, shaking his head. “Damn, I hope I never get as old and ornery as you, Charles.”
Seth said in a softer voice, “Maybe he’s missing his girl.”
The three of them left his office laughing. Charles wasn’t. He didn’t know where things were going with Rosslyn yet, and his brothers didn’t know when to shut up. He would need to make sure they didn’t bump into any of them when they were out. If they did, the ribbing was going to get a lot worse.
Hell, who am I kidding? Gareth is going to run his fucking mouth at breakfast and probably show them her picture.He just hoped Gareth didn’t tell them where she worked. It would go from laughter to lecture quickly. Charles didn’t want to hear it. He already knew he was playing with fire. But there was another fire he couldn’t ignore. And even now, he missed her.
I should’ve asked her to dinner tonight instead.
Charles walked over and closed his office door. Even though he told Gareth not to worry about whatever Gia Gravel had uncovered, he had some concerns. If his father had a sister, what happened to her? Why didn’t the family ever speak of her?
He was about to do something he told Gareth not to. He looked up the number and then called Henderson Corporation. When the operator answered he said, “Gia Gravel please.”
“One moment.”
When he was transferred, she answered. “Hello, this is Gia.”
“Hello. My name is Charles Lawson. Do you have a moment to talk?”
“Lawson? I’m sorry, but do I know you?”
“I’m not sure. That’s why I’m calling,” Charles said.
“Sorry sir, I’m a bit confused. Are you a client of the Hendersons?” Gia asked.
“No. I was given your name, and they thought you were trying to get in touch with me. Or maybe my grandfather.”
There was a long pause, and then she said, “I wasn’t looking for anyone in particular. Just looking at old photos. I do that a lot. It’s possible I may have come across one with your name, or maybe your grandfather’s. I like old things.”
This was sounding more like a coincidence than anything else. That’s not saying she didn’t unknowingly uncover something about his family that should be left buried. The question was, who might she have told? Hopefully no one.
Playing it off, Charles said, “I’m not that old, so you must have been looking for another Charles Lawson. Sorry for taking up your time.”
“Not a problem at all. Have a wonderful day, Mr. Lawson.”