Page 29 of The Billionaire's Rival (The Blank Check 1)
To answer his question, she thought about what she’d do if presented with such an option. Most people would jump at the chance, but she couldn’t. “If someone offered me a job starting immediately, I’d have to say no. Even though Grayson Corp isn’t my dream job, I would need to give at least two weeks’ notice.” She tried to live her life by treating people how she’d want to be treated. Rosslyn tried not to put down others, but she knew her aunt and uncle weren’t role models of kindness and compassion.
“Do you think Maxwell would give you two weeks’ notice if he was going to fire you?”
She knew he wouldn’t. If she had doubted that, listening to what he’d done to Sam and his brother confirmed Max never thought how his actions affected anyone else. If he had, he’d have stood by his sister. Or at least reconnected after their father died. But no. He still pretends the Clarks aren’t his family. We barely exist to him.
Rosslyn realized Charles had somehow turned the tables and she was the focus of the conversation. Good try. “I believe it’s your career we were discussing, not mine.”
“My boss is a hard-ass. Expects only the best from me and won’t settle for anything less.”
“He sounds horrible. You need to explain to him that no one is perfect and if you push too hard, you can break someone. I can’t say for sure, but you seem to be responsible and are probably a very good employee.”
“We all have our moments.” Charles laughed.
Once again, Rosslyn didn’t know what he found so funny. No one wanted to be miserable at work. Unfortunately many people had no choice. “I guess you need to do what you have to in order to pay the bills. Just like the rest of us.”
Charles looked like he wanted to say something, staring at her intently, but then turned away. “I don’t know about you, but that porch looks tempting. Why don’t we check into our rooms then occupy that swing for a while?”
“Sounds great.”
When they got inside Brandy was there to greet them. “Well now I know why you didn’t want to spend the night at home with your parents. I’m Brandy and you are?”
“Where are you from Charles?” she asked.
“New York City.”
“Did you two need help with your bags?” Brandy asked.
Rosslyn shot Charles a quick look and said, “We didn’t pack anything.”
“We can buy anything we need tomorrow if you have extra toiletries.”
“That I have. Come, I’ll show you to your room.”
They followed her upstairs to one of the largest rooms she had. It had a four poster bed and embroidered duvet cover. The entire room was filled with antiques, including the wicker rocker by the window. It had always been Rosslyn’s favorite room, but she’d never had a reason to stay there. Why would she when she lived only ten minutes away?
Brandy said, “The washroom is through that door and you’ll find what you need in the cabinet. Breakfast is at nine, but coffee is one hour earlier. Please let me know if either of you need anything else before then.”
Brandy was about to close the door when Rosslyn asked, “What about my room?”
“There’s just the one,” Brandy said.
“You don’t have another one?”
Brandy shook her head. “You’re lucky I had a last minute cancelation because everything in town is booked. They are having a fishing tournament this weekend. Enjoy your night.”
When the door closed, Rosslyn turned to Charles and said, “I had no idea.”
“I’m sure you didn’t. Do you have an issue with sharing a room with me?”
Her heart skipped a few beats. Issue. No. Concern? Yes. “Not . . . really. It’s just a bit . . . unexpected, that’s all.”
“I’d say that sums up just about everything about you,” Charles said.
“I’m not sure that’s a compliment.”
Charles walked over and tipped her chin up so she couldn’t avoid looking him in the eyes. “Trust me Rosslyn, it is. I find myself trying to guess what’s next. And not once have I been right.” She felt as though she couldn’t breathe. Wanting to look away, yet not able to break the connection. He was drawing her to him with just his eyes. He continued, “But there’s always a first time.”