Page 22 of The Billionaire's Rival (The Blank Check 1)
She couldn’t sleep one bit. Between her father’s phone call and her outing with Charles, she was on an emotional rollercoaster. Why did he have to be so freaking nice and understanding about everything? He got it, she was here and alone and Charles cared. Max and Laura on the other hand, didn’t even offer dinner, never mind a place to stay for free.
But she had judged New York City based on how they had treated her and her family. She was quickly learning that not all here were so self-absorbed. Actually she hadn’t met anyone as cold as her so-called family. Maybe being in the city wasn’t going to be as bad as she’d thought. Unfortunately her employer was the only downfall.
But today she didn’t need to think about work. She’d already called her parents and had a better conversation than she’d had in a while. Miss Snuggles was fed, brushed, and petted, so she was all set for a few hours. Now all she had to do was wait to see when or if Charles was going to call. She didn’t want to admit she’d never had a wiener before. Well not the kind he was referring to at least. A hot dog with meat, onions, and celery salt sounded like a weird combination. But it provided another reason to see him today, so she was game. If he called.
But times had changed. It was acceptable for a woman to call a man. Actually many women took the lead these days. She wasn’t ready to go that far, but he did say call anytime. Looking at the clock, she figured it was almost noon, and he didn’t strike her as the sleep late type of guy. Nervously she dialed his number. It rang once, twice, and then three times. What would she say if she got voice mail? Hey, is your offer for a wiener still good?
She panicked and hung up. Instead she decided to send him a text. Staring at her phone, she didn’t want to put anything weird in writing any more than she did on his voice mail. Something simple.
She typed that she had a good time last night but deleted it. She told him that yesterday. She didn’t want to thank him, that could easily be responded to with a “you’re welcome.” So she decided to search the internet for anything fun and free to do today. It was beautiful outside, and she didn’t want to spend it looking out a window. Perfect!
She didn’t need to wait long before her phone rang. It was Charles.
“I thought you had a good time yesterday,” Charles said.
“I did.”
“Then why did you tell me to go fly a kite?” he asked.
She looked back at her text. Oh God. “Sorry. My cell phone seems to have a mind of its own. What I meant to ask was if you wanted to go fly a kite.” That really didn’t sound any better, so she tried explaining. “There is a kite show that I thought might be . . . different.”
God, he probably thinks it’s stupid.But he had taken her to see fireworks last night. That was more in line with a romantic date. Kite flying really wasn’t just for children. Not the type of kites they had shown online. Heck, they probably cost more than what she made in a week.
“Do you mean in Central Park?” Charles asked.
“Yes, but if you—”
“That sounds great. Do you have a kite?”
“No. Do you?”
He laughed. “I hate to admit it, but I’ve never flown one. I have been told I should many times.”
He was teasing her now. That’s okay. She earned that one. “Any issue with grabbing a blanket and we watch them instead?”
“Do you mind if I bring food?”
Rosslyn laughed and said teasingly, “I like a man who knows how to negotiate.”
“I’m really good about calling ahead too. What do you feel like?” he asked.
Wieners off the table?“Something small because I’m still full from last night. You weren’t kidding when you said the dishes were humongous.”
“How about sandwiches?”
“How about I make some?” She didn’t have much in the apartment, but she had enough to make a few sandwiches and two packs of chips.
“I don’t want you to have to work.”
“We’re talking sandwiches. Meat and cheese between two slices of bread. That’s not considered work.”
“Okay, I’ll call you when I’m close by.”
“I’ll be ready.” She ended the call and headed to the kitchen to make sandwiches. She figured he was good for more than one the way she’d seen him eat. Placing the sliced ham, turkey, and cheese on the counter, she started making the sandwiches when her cell phone rang in the other room. Placing the knife down, she rushed to answer it, thinking it was her father. But it was Liz instead. And she was crying.