Page 19 of The Billionaire's Rival (The Blank Check 1)
Rosslyn felt guilty for looking forward to him picking her up. Why should she be happy even for a minute? She tried fighting it, but she couldn’t. She’d had a nice time with him a couple of days ago and wanted to feel that feeling again. Alive. Like the old Rosslyn before her mother had become ill. Playful, carefree, but most of all, happy.
Her phone rang and she answered, “Hello, is this Charlie?”
“Very funny. I’m going to be there in five minutes. Do you want me to come up or do you want to meet me in front of the building?”
Parking was not easy and she’d never ask him to come up. Not only because he’d probably get a ticket, but this wasn’t her apartment. It was part of the agreement that no guests were allowed. Since she hadn’t known anyone at that time, it’d never crossed her mind that it might become an issue.
“I’ll be right down.” She ended the call, found Snuggles, and gave her a couple of scratches behind the ears. “I promise, tonight you’ll get a lot more.” A few meows and Miss Snuggles curled back up as though she understood.
Rosslyn never had a pet before but in this short time she’d grown fond of having the cat around. It was companionship even if not human. And somehow the cat seemed to pick up on her emotions too. The first night Rosslyn had cried herself to sleep and the cat had stayed right by her side. You probably are missing your family as much as I am mine.
She needed to get out of there before she started feeling down again and decided to back out. Grabbing her purse, she headed down to meet Charles. He pulled up in a black sporty car that looked quite expensive. Once she got inside and felt the leather seats, she knew she was right. Not only did it look like luxury, it felt like it too.
As she looked over at him, concerned that she may have underdressed, she was pleased to find him dressed casually too. “Are we really going back to the same place tonight?”
He nodded. “Unless there is someplace else you’d prefer.”
“No. That place is more my style. Makes me think of home.”
“That’s why I go there as well,” Charles replied.
“You mean you’re from a small town too?” Rosslyn hoped she could get him talking a bit more about himself this time.
“No. I’m actually from here.”
“The city? Really?” He nodded. “Wow. I can’t imagine living here my whole life. I need trees and lakes and swimming holes.”
“I can’t give you all that tonight, but there is a park not far from the diner. They have a swing and maybe a slide.”
Rosslyn laughed. “In a pinch, that’ll do.”
“And after eating tonight, we’re going to need to do something physical.”
A couple of things crossed her mind, but quickly she pushed them aside. It’s not going to happen. It can’t happen. “Maybe we should skip dessert then.” He shot her a look of surprise. “Don’t worry. I was only joking. That cheesecake was amazing.” And probably enough calories to last her a week.
“You had me scared there for a minute.”
“Afraid of Mama?”
“You better believe it. And if you were smart, you’d be too.”
Rosslyn had a feeling Mama was all bark and no bite. Of course she wasn’t about to put that theory to test. “Maybe she’d let us share one.”
Once she said it she realized how intimate it sounded. But Charles’s response didn’t say he’d picked up on it. “I like a woman who knows how to negotiate a good deal.”
“Don’t be too impressed. I was only thinking about my wardrobe and how I can’t afford to replace it all if it doesn’t fit.” Unfortunately that was truer than she’d like to admit. And being in his fancy car only reminded her of how he wouldn’t understand that problem.
But it doesn’t matter. This is just a distraction, nothing more.
Dinner at Mama’s was excellent as always. But the usual reserved table had been prepared differently than before. Mama had set a new linen tablecloth with a vase of fresh cut flowers. It was a good thing they actually showed up or he might be in the doghouse with Mama. She might not be family, but she accepted him as such. Because of that, Charles never would intentionally disappoint her.
There was another woman he also didn’t want to disappoint. Rosslyn seemed very vulnerable for some reason. There were times, even though they were enjoying themselves, she seemed a million miles away. He saw it in her eyes. Something was troubling her, and it was driving him crazy. Asking her might ruin the part she was enjoying.
But Charles never got the chance to ask. Mama walked over to say goodnight to them and beat him to the punch. “My dear, you look sad. I hope this big goon has not said or done something to upset you.”
Rosslyn shook her head. “No. He’s a perfect gentleman.”
That probably was the first time anyone had ever called him either of those. If he hadn’t been concerned about Rosslyn, he’d have corrected her assessment of him.