Page 12 of The Billionaire's Rival (The Blank Check 1)
Rosslyn thought after a few days on the job, she’d be given more responsibility. That wasn’t the case at all. She was tempted to talk to her uncle about it, let him know she wasn’t an idiot and really was capable of following directions. She was sure in his mind that would mean making the coffee and not just taking it to him.
At least Aunt Laura was supposed to come into the office shortly. Their phone conversation hadn't gone very well, but maybe things would be different in person.
Liz, her uncle’s secretary, came over and asked, “Do you want to have lunch today?”
Was she hearing things? Someone was actually talking directly to her without wanting something? With a great big smile she replied, “I’d love to. Where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere not in the building,” Liz said. Rosslyn cocked a brow. In a softer voice Liz added, “Trust me, you don’t want to be anywhere close when she gets here.”
“Mrs. Grayson.” Liz shook her head. “I’ve been here for ten years, and it is the same thing every time. It wouldn’t surprise me if they kill each other someday.”
Rosslyn’s eyes widened. “That bad?” She couldn’t believe they’d act in such a manner, especially at his business.
“It’s getting worse, not better. I don’t want to be a witness to anything said or done.”
It was evident things weren’t good between the two. Softly Rosslyn asked, “Then why do they stay together?”
Liz snickered. “Money. It always comes down to money.”
Not for everyone.“That’s . . . very sad.”
“I hear the Grayson family was all the same. At least he is the end of the line.”
In name, yes. But she was a Grayson by blood. The Graysons no one ever spoke about, obviously. Even Liz, someone who worked closely with Uncle Max, didn’t know of their existence. She wasn’t sure if that should please her or not. The only thing Rosslyn was sure of was being a Clark seemed beneficial. Maybe not financially, but at least in things that mattered like charity, kindness and . . . true love.
It was important at times like this. With her mother’s health slipping, it took a man who truly loved his wife to stand by her. Parkinson’s had been something she didn’t know anything about. But once her mother had been diagnosed with it, she read every article and so-called medical breakthrough to be found. Unfortunately, everything treated the symptoms, but nothing was a cure.
She didn’t want to discuss Max with Liz or anyone else. She was afraid her opinion of him wasn’t any better. Rosslyn also knew where she didn’t want to go. Anyplace where he could be. Of course, that wasn’t easy for her to guess. “I’m not from around here. Where could we go that many people don’t know about?”
Liz laughed. “I know all the best hiding places. How do you think I’ve been able to survive this place for so long?”
Rosslyn was surprised how freely she was speaking negatively about her boss. Though Rosslyn wasn’t a fan of Max either, she wouldn’t partake in boss bashing. It wasn’t her style.
Liz reached into the bottom drawer of her desk and said, “I just heard she entered the building. This is our chance to make a run for it before it’s too late.”
Rosslyn was feeling guilty, as though she should be there to greet her aunt. “I need to make a stop in the ladies’ room. How about I meet you in the lobby in ten minutes?”
“Make it on the corner across from the coffee shop and you have a deal. The longer I’m in this building, the more likely I’ll be trapped.” Liz scurried down the hall and didn’t even take the elevator.
Really? She couldn’t believe Liz was taking the stairs to avoid Laura. Rosslyn tried to prepare herself for whatever her aunt had to say. She held her breath as the elevator doors opened. Laura strutted down the hallway in her direction. She could already see her aunt’s expression and she wasn’t happy.
“You must be the little tart of the month.”
Rosslyn cleared her throat and said, “No, I’m . . . the new personal assistant.” She couldn’t believe her aunt didn’t recognize her. Each Christmas her parents had sent them a card with a family photo. She may look a bit different but not that much. Besides, they had spoken on the phone two days ago. Could she really be that daft? No. She just doesn’t care about anyone but herself.
“I don’t want to know what you assist him with.”
Rosslyn shivered at the thought. I should’ve listened to Liz and gotten the hell out of here. “I was about to go to lunch, unless there is something you need first.”
“The only thing I need is to see my husband and give him a piece of my mind.”
Laura stormed into Max’s office and slammed the door behind her. Sure enough, the sparks starting flying between them with shouts echoing down the hall. Rosslyn went to her desk, grabbed her purse, and rushed to the elevator before she heard too much. It was worse for her than for Liz. This wasn’t just her boss and his wife arguing, this was her dysfunctional family.
When she made it outside and caught up with Liz, she saw her talking to a man. Liz was laughing and flirting up a storm. Rosslyn didn’t want to interrupt but didn’t want to blow Liz off either. So she walked up and before she could say a word Liz said, “Oh, I thought you changed your mind. Would you mind if Sam came with us?”