Page 10 of The Billionaire's Rival (The Blank Check 1)
With her stunning looks, that wouldn’t surprise him one bit. And it also would explain her resistance to speak with him. Don’t want to rock the boat and lose your meal ticket.
It was a shame, because if he’d met her elsewhere, Charles might have asked her out. There was no doubt he was attracted to her physically. A guy would have to be dead not to be. He didn’t like snarky women, but she wasn’t that either. She just seemed steadfast on what she wanted. He could respect that even if he didn’t approve of her means for obtaining it.
But he wasn’t done with her. Somehow that woman connected to Maxwell and might be another piece in the puzzle to help take him down. Not that he wanted to know what their pillow talk was, but Maxwell was one who liked to brag, especially to a smoking hot woman like that. Maxwell probably never gave her credit for anything more than her looks. Charles already could tell there was a lot more to her than that. Too bad she was wasting it.
As they handed him his bag, Charles laughed to himself. Seems we both felt like cheesecake for lunch. He didn’t want to know what else they had in common. The more he knew about her, the more he’d feel guilty using her.
Heading back to the office, he pulled out his cell phone and called Gareth.
“Two days in a row? This isn’t like you, Charles. Maxwell getting under your skin that much?” Gareth asked upon answering.
“I need information on a name.”
Gareth’s tone changed. “You’ve come to the right person. What’s the name?”
“R. Clark.”
There was silence on the line. Then he heard Gareth huff. “Please tell me you have more than that.”
“I thought you said you were efficient.”
“And I thought you wanted my help,” Gareth snarled.
He didn’t want to open up a line of questions, but there was no way around it. “Do you remember the woman from The Choice?”
“You mean the waitress who came on to me?”
“The redhead who handed me her number when we were leaving?” Gareth tried again.
“The blonde.”
Gareth laughed. “You know I’m not into blondes. Well, I still date them, but they’re not my favorite. I prefer—”
“Gareth, I’m not asking you to rate the woman, just get me information on her.” Charles was losing his patience again. This was becoming a habit that he didn’t like. Gathering himself, he said in a more controlled tone, “She was sitting with Maxwell. I want to know everything you can find on her.”
“What does that have to do with what you’re working on? I thought you wanted to ruin his company, not steal his mistress.”
Gareth’s sense of humor was really getting on Charles’s nerves, more now for some odd reason. Growling out, Charles said, “I don’t care who she is Gareth, I only want to know what she knows. Either you can get me information or not.”
“I think you’re wasting your time if you think Maxwell would divulge any information to a call girl. Granted, he’s done some stupid shit, but why would he tell her anything?”
Because a man could get lost in those blue eyes of hers.“I’m not saying he did, but I think it’s worth exploring.”
“You don’t want me to ask her?” Gareth asked.
“No. Just get me her contact information. I’ll do the rest.”
Gareth laughed. “You do know I’m much better with the ladies than you are.”
“And I know you’ll forget what I’m looking for too.” Gareth definitely liked brunettes, but Charles knew when it came to the opposite sex, Gareth easily could be pulled off task.
“You say that now. We’ll see what happens.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Charles snapped.
“I saw the way you looked at her. Wasn’t even sure you had noticed Maxwell sitting there.”