Page 7 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
Hope you still think that once Dean sees my date.
“Great, I’ll see you in two days.”
Zoey was filled with optimism as she dialed Lena’s number.
“Hi, Zoey.”
“Good morning, Lena. How are things going?”
“Going great. Busy as usual, but that’s okay.”
“Did Brice mention that I’m hosting a family Valentine’s Day gathering?”
Lena laughed. “If it doesn’t have to do with his latest invention, I don’t hear about it. Details please.”
Zoey ran off the date and time.
“We’ll be there.”
She had the same outcome when she called Morgan. Now there was only one thing left to do: go through the list Sophie sent her and organize catering. Zoey loved to cook, but that was only for herself. She’d never attempted anything so formal. This might be the first get together at my house, but I don’t want it to be our last. She located the number Sophie had texted her.
“Moretti here.”
“Hello, Mr. Moretti. Sophie Barrington said you’d be able to help me.” Or pull off a minor miracle and make this last minute party actually seem like it’s a real party.
“And you are?”
“Zoey Henderson.”
“Brice’s sister?”
“Yes.” More times than not, admitting to be a Henderson wasn’t a good thing. There were many times it came with a backlash for their harsh behavior. Her brothers may not be as bad as their father had been, but they were still feared in the business world.
“This is a surprise. What can I do for you?”
“I’m having a small group over for Valentine’s Day. I was hoping you could cater it. I know it’s short notice, only two days, but Sophie says if anyone can pull it together in that short of time, it’s you.” Unlike her brothers who used harsh tactics to get what they wanted, Zoey found it paid to be a bit sweeter, at least for her. “It’s only going to be for my immediate family.” Really that’s all I have because we have no one else but us.
“You got it. I’ve been looking forward to seeing Brice and Lena. What’s the occasion?”
“Valentine’s Day.”
“Any special request?”
She hated to admit it, but she needed more than just the food prep. Her home needed some help to look festive as well. “How about help with the décor as well?”
“Normally that wouldn’t be something I assist with. But Renita is one talented woman. If you want something spectacular, in a short time, she’s the one to pull it off.”
“You’ll have to ask Renita or Lena to share the story. How about we meet first thing tomorrow morning?”
It’d give her time to get back to Boston. “I’ll do that. See you both tomorrow.”
Just a few hours ago she’d been ready to pull her hair in frustration. Now everything seemed to be falling into place. Maybe Bennett’s crazy idea wasn’t so nuts after all. Zoey burst out laughing. It’s even crazier than anyone could imagine. I’m actually going to pretend to be in love with Bennett. There’s no way my brothers aren’t going to see right through that.
Even though she was filled with doubt, that wasn’t going to stop her from trying. She’d hired Bennett for one reason: he was the best. All she could do was trust him to pull off the impossible.
Bennett had been able to avoid seeing Zoey again last night. He knew if he had, there was a distinct possibility that he’d change his mind about this ridiculous plan he’d devised. He never mixed business with pleasure, and pleasure was definitely how he viewed her.