Page 5 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
Chapter Two
Zoey stood looking out her hotel window. It was a charming place surrounded by woods. It was a lovely change from the view in Boston. Even though her home wasn’t in the heart of the city surrounded by skyscrapers, she still didn’t have a view like this.
A smile crossed her lips as she noticed deer grazing on the edge of the woods. She couldn’t help how different her life would’ve been if she’d grown up in a place such as this. The people here had been warm and friendly. But my things would be the same no matter where we grew up unless I had a different father.
She wished she could hide away here in North Carolina a bit longer but she didn’t have that luxury right now. Thanks Bennett. She had no idea how she let herself get talked into throwing a party on such short notice. Heck, I don’t throw them at all. She should’ve spoken up and told Bennett no way. The entire reason for hiring him in the first place was to put as much distance between her and her siblings as possible, even if it was for a short period of time. She feared Bennett’s suggestion would point a large homing beacon on her saying I’m hiding something.
If she had any doubts about what their reaction would be, it quickly faded after calling two of her brothers. Her baby brother, Dean, was the worse. He said he’d be there but had demanded to know who her date was. As if I have to share that with my brother. Zoey knew Bennett could hold his own one on one, but he was going to be walking into a firing squad. Her five brothers joined together on anything was a force no one should mess with.
There was an option of backing out and telling them she’d changed her mind, but that wouldn’t avoid the questioning. It only meant they’d question her instead of Bennett. His bright idea; let’s see how well he can fare with them. He should know better.
She’d hardly slept the night before as she tossed and turned over the details of the party, not to mention talking her brothers into showing up. They hadn’t all gathered for an event as a family before. Sitting at a table together was something they’d avoided, but on the rare occasions when they had no choice, they’d sat in silence, all afraid of saying the wrong thing.
That changed when Lena entered Brice’s life; now they meet monthly for a Sunday brunch. They’d come a long way from where they were when their father was alive, but the truth was, they still had much more healing to do.
She looked over the short invite list, and three of her brothers had immediately declined the invite. The other two had not even responded. That wasn’t an option. Bennett needed to get DNA samples from all of them, and there was no better way than all at one time. The faster she found her answers, the quicker she could move forward with her life.
Why should I be surprised? It’s not like I’ve given them much notice, and they’re all running their own businesses. I’m sure they’re not purposely being difficult. But then again, this is out of character for me. Parties have never been my thing and definitely not one that I host. They probably think this is a joke. But they forgot one important thing about her: she wasn’t a quitter. However, that didn’t mean she was beyond reaching out for help.
It was eight a.m., and she hated calling anyone that early, but she was running out of time. Three days had become two. Picking up her phone, she scrolled through her list of numbers. There was one person who could pull this off. Maybe with her help and guidance, it’d work out. Sophie Barrington, let’s see if you can work your magic on my brothers like you do on your sons.
Zoey wasn’t as close to Sophie Barrington as her brothers were. She’d been to the Barrington’s home on special occasions, but her brothers had practically been adopted over there. She wasn’t jealous. She knew that if they hadn’t had such positive role models like Sophie and her husband Dale her brothers might’ve turned out like their father. That wasn’t something she’d wish on anyone.
She pressed call and waited for Sophie to answer. I hope she’s willing to help me. I’ve got no one else to turn to.
“Good morning, this is Sophie Barrington.”
Zoey cleared her throat and summoned her courage. This was the first time she’d ever called the Barringtons for any help. “Hello, Mrs. Barrington. This is Zoey. Zoey Henderson.”
“Hello Zoey; please call me Sophie. Is everything all right?”
She could hear the concern in Sophie’s voice, and she needed to put her mind at ease quickly. “Yes, everything is good. I’m in need of your expertise, some advice. Is this a good time to talk?”
“Yes, it is. Dale is out, so you have me all to yourself. What can I help with?”
“This is going to sound pathetic, but I’m trying to host a small Valentine’s party for my family. It’s in two days, and I have nothing ready.”
“I have a go-to person who owns some of the best restaurants and catering companies around. Have you heard of Vincent Moretti?”
“The name sounds familiar.”
“I believe he’s friends with your brother, Brice, and his wife, Lena. I can vouch for his skills. I hosted a New Year’s Eve event in Vermont. There were major snowstorms and everything could’ve fallen apart. But Vincent stepped in and everything went off without issue.”
“And you think he’ll do this on such short notice?”
“Give him my name when you call. Tell him I referred you.”
“Thank you, Sophie.”
“I’ll text you his information.”
Zoey became quiet, and Sophie picked right up on it. She wasn’t used to anyone other than for her brothers caring so much. It was nice, yet unnerving as well.
Before she could say goodbye, Sophie said, “Zoey, I raised enough children to know when someone has something they need to talk about. Why did you really call me?”
She is astute. My brothers have been so lucky to have her in their lives. I know I can trust her. I wish I had been... invited over to the Barrington home more often. But I understand why. Knowing and understanding doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
“It’s my brothers. I’m getting a lot of resistance from them.”