Page 47 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
“Nope. There were no words and my playing wasn’t so bad that she’d kick me out either.”
“Was it a love song or something that could’ve reminded her of another time?”
He hadn’t thought of that. “Not that I know of.”
“What’s the name of the song?” Morgan asked.
His mind ran through the sheets again. None of them had a title. All were just the beginning of compositions, all left unfinished. “There wasn’t one.”
Morgan shook her head. “Were you playing something you made up?”
Although he loved music, he was never one who composed his own. He could feel what others felt as they wrote theirs, could enjoy and respect each piece for what it was. Yet no matter how he’d tried or wanted to, he’d never been able to connect with the piano as only a true master composer could. He functioned best with a precept of rules and expectations. That’s why I chose to be a Marine. “No. I’d found a folder in the bench with handwritten sheet music. Some of it looked old. The one I was playing had been played many times based on the worn look. Not the oldest.”
“How can you tell the age? Were they dated?”
Good point. “No. I should’ve said this was one played often.”
“I don’t remember Shaun ever saying his father played the piano. If he did, perhaps you stumbled across something of his. That’d get a strong negative reaction from Zoey. Heck, from all the Hendersons for that matter. Would you like me to reach out and ask him?”
“No. The sheet music doesn’t fit who I knew Henderson to be.” Evil.
“I’ve asked Zoey about the piano before. She said it was a showpiece. As far as I know, no one has ever sat at it before. Maybe it came with the piano, and there’s no connection to the family at all.”
What Morgan said made sense except for Zoey’s reaction. She was the key to this mystery. And she was also the one person he couldn’t ask. “I guess I’ve wasted your time.”
“Bennett, you’re still at square one. If you don’t do something now, she’s going to think you don’t care.”
“She told me to leave, Morgan. I’m respecting her wishes.”
She laughed. “You men genuinely don’t understand us at all, do you? She needed time at that moment. Not forever. You’ve given her the space she needed. Now you need to find a way to see her as soon as possible. I would suggest having you both over for dinner, but I believe you need some alone time.”
Could it really be as simple as that? He showed up and things would be back to where they were the night before she lost it on him? I wasn’t supposed to let it go that far. Nothing will have changed. We’ll both still be living the lie. Maybe I should let it end now before we get more involved than we already are.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Bennett, you’re good for her. I haven’t known her that long, but Shaun said you make her happy in a way he’s never seen before. What scares me is I can see something in you that’s already contemplating pulling away. You’re a Marine. I thought they don’t give up.”
He glared at her. Bennett wasn’t giving up. Morgan didn’t know the entire story. The truth as to why he was even in Boston. Anything that starts on a lie can’t end well. Although this entire charade was my idea, it snowballed quickly. We have so many lies between us, I’m not even sure either of us knows where they end and the truth begins.
“Don’t let this little argument be the end of what could be something special. Whatever you’re thinking about doing, remember that before you take action. Zoey’s feelings are on the line,” Morgan continued. “Stop thinking like a Marine and think like the musician.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bennett shot back at her.
“Don’t try to control things. Love is like the music you were playing. You have to feel it. Otherwise it’s just motion and not emotion.” Morgan let out a heavy sigh. “So disappointed. For a moment when you were talking about playing the piano, I thought you might actually have a romantic bone in your body. But looking at the expression on your face, I see you’re as hopeless as Shaun.”
Bennett laughed at her boldness. “Somehow you still find that bastard irresistible.”
“Exactly. So just be you and stop trying to be perfect. We don’t want perfection. We want to be loved,” Morgan said in a serious tone.
“It’s that simple?”
“It’s only difficult when men make it that way. Now go before I change my mind about you and call Shaun.”
Bennett got up and gave her a quick hug. Morgan was like the sister he’d never had. He’d made the right choice by meeting with her. Even though he didn’t have any answers regarding Zoey, he now didn’t feel the need to know. That’s a first for a controlling bastard like me.
As he drove back to his hotel, he thought about what Morgan had said. All Zoey wanted was his love. It was the one thing he wasn’t sure he could give. Here in Boston, he wasn’t going to get the chance to explore that. I’m not going to get any answers from Jon for a few more days. Maybe a little getaway is what we need. When we get back, I’ll have the answers; then maybe I’ll know what I’m going to do. Right now, I don’t have a fucking clue.
Bennett looked for romantic getaways on his computer, but he couldn’t stay focused. No matter what Morgan said about thinking like a musician, he couldn’t. The piano remained on his mind. It held a question, and he was the type who didn’t stop until he got an answer. Sorry, sweetheart, but whether you like it or not, I need to know.