Page 43 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
Chapter Twelve
Bennett hated leaving Zoey’s side as she slept, but he wasn’t one who got much sleep. He was an early riser, and after a night of mind-blowing sex, he knew she needed to sleep in.
Although he knew last night was a mistake, he wasn’t about to slip out on her. Doug had warned him about crossing a line. He’d never done so before. He took his job as seriously as he took his loyalty to the Marines. Zoey found a way to break down barriers within him. If the circumstances were any different, he’d say that was a good thing. Nothing good was going to come out of it, once the truth was revealed.
Bennett quickly showered, dressed, and headed downstairs to make himself some desperately needed strong coffee. As it brewed, he received a message from Doug. He didn’t want to hear a lecture right now. He chose to ignore it. Whatever he has to say isn’t anything I’m not already telling myself. I fucked up. I made this personal. Not just for me, but for Zoey. I know better, but damn it, I wanted her. Fuck, I still do.
It wasn’t just sex that drew him to her. If it were, it would’ve been easier to resist. He’d never let his cock rule his actions. Last night was much more. What exactly that was still wasn’t clear to him. He wasn’t sure if it was for Zoey either. This isn’t the time for me to worry about how I feel about her. It’s doing my job and making sure she isn’t emotionally destroyed in the process.
Bennett’s phone rang, and it was Doug again. What the hell, man? “Better be important.”
Doug’s tone was flat as he spoke. “I’m working. Something you asked me to do. Would you like an update?”
Not really. I have better things on my mind. “About Zoey?” He didn’t want to hear anything that was going to ruin what they’d just shared.
“Spill it, and make it quick.” Bennett knew Doug could make a short story longer than necessary. He wanted facts only at the moment.
“It appears there are some underlying health issues she’s been hiding.”
“I know.” Bennett may not have informed Doug of that piece when they’d spoke. He didn’t think it was anyone’s business. It was something she’d shared only to explain why she was desperately seeking out her mother.
“Have you read the medical reports?”
I don’t have them. “Where did you get them, Doug?” Bennett was concerned that if Doug had them, there was a chance Logan did too. He was the one who had more contacts than anyone in the family.
“I may not be the investigator you are, but I can read reports. It was buried, but when I saw her trips to New York, I did some digging.”
Bennett was concerned now that Zoey may not have shared with him exactly what was going on. Had she played it off to be less than what it was? “Is there a diagnosis?”
“No. She was going for in vitro when the issue appeared.”
She was trying to get pregnant? She’d never mentioned that to him. Shit. Was she trying to trap him? Fuck, Bennett. Don’t even think it. She’s not like that. Zoey is... one of a kind. It’s not as if she had flirted with me. Should I feel angry she didn’t tell me? She’s so private and self-contained, and last night I didn’t give her any opportunity to say anything about taking her. Making her... She can’t be mine. She wouldn’t try to trap me either. The look on her face when she left my car last night guttered me. How did she not know how much I wanted her?
“Is she still going for the treatments?”
“No. The treatments stopped due to Zoey’s lymph nodes. From what I read she has an enlarged node they want to remove and biopsy.”
Want to? But didn’t? “Why haven’t they?”
“The report states patient refused treatment,” Doug replied.
That didn’t make any sense to him. If she wanted to have children, why would she stop so suddenly? The woman he’d come to know would’ve fought for what she wanted. Hell, that’s the reason I’m here. She doesn’t give up.
“Why did she do that?” Bennett barked, and then remembered he needed to keep his voice down. The last thing he wanted to do was have her walk in while he was discussing her personal life with Doug.
“Since you aren’t supposed to know this information, it’s not like you can ask her. Health issues on top of what she’s suffered in her past are more than most people can handle.”
She’s stronger than people give her credit for. Would she be strong enough to handle any more or would she break? Bennett didn’t want to find out. “With this development, we need to make sure no one finds out what we’re doing here.”
“It’s not my actions I’m worried about.”
Don’t fucking go there. “Good. Keep it that way. Text me if there is anything urgent. Otherwise, I’ll contact you.”
“Bennett, I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Not in the least. “I’ll be in touch.” Bennett ended the call and put his phone on silent. He wanted to enjoy the morning. Maybe even sneak back upstairs and crawl into bed with her. I’ve been in bed with many women, but never lying there holding her in my arms for no other reason but to hold her. Grabbing his coffee, he headed to the living room.