Page 35 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
Chapter Ten
He decided it was best to meet with Brice and Dean at the same time. He wasn’t afraid of Dean, but he also didn’t want the subject of Zoey to go spiraling downhill either. Right now he needed the family to accept him. At least, until I have all the answers. Then I don’t give a shit whether they approve of Zoey and me or not.
Bennett hated that he had those thoughts. There never was going to be a “Zoey and Bennett.” He lived in reality. It was inevitable. The choices he’d make were either going to leave her hating him or break her heart. This was why he knew he shouldn’t push her brothers too far. She was going to need them. They were all she had. I just hope they’ll be there for her. No matter what, she’s going to be broken, and I won’t be able to help. She’ll need someone to hate, and it’s better if I’m that person. If not, she might blame herself, and none of this is her fault.
Brice was the first to join him at the table. “Normally I meet Lena for lunch, but she’s out with Zoey. I take it that’s why you asked to meet with me now?”
“You and Dean.”
“Oh, so I’m the referee. Wise choice. He can be a loose cannon.”
Bennett had seen that first hand. Dean wasn’t a person who listened to what anyone said. The only one that he seemed to listen to was Tessa. But even that didn’t keep him out of trouble.
“I’m not here to piss either of you off.”
“You should’ve thought about that before you started dating Zoey,” Dean said as he approached the table.
Bennett could see Dean hadn’t cooled off any. He knew all the brothers were protective of Zoey, but Dean was by far the worse. “Some things just happen.”
“And some things you were warned not to let happen,” Dean added angrily. “So when did this all come about?”
Bennett and Zoey had forgotten to add a “we’ve been dating” timeframe to the script. He should’ve been prepared for the question. One thing he was damn good at was deflecting. “I get that you have concern about who she dates. But Dean, you’re much more protective than anyone else. Why is that?”
Dean glared at him. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t be?”
“Besides the fact that she’s old enough to make her own decisions?” Bennett didn’t break eye contact with Dean. He needed him to know no matter what he said or did, he wasn’t backing down or going away. If he wanted to be with Zoey, nothing outside of her wishes would stop him. And I don’t think she has any plans on ending this either.
“I don’t think you appreciate exactly who she is,” Dean said.
“Trust me, I do.” Bennett grinned on purpose just to push Dean a little more. He saw Dean’s jaw flinch.
“Thin ice, Bennett,” Brice warned.
Just where I like to be. Keeps life interesting. The only regret Bennett had was this was Zoey’s family. Otherwise he’d have pushed further, enjoying the challenge of who’d break first. In all the years, it had never been him. Dean would’ve been a good opponent.
“Was there a purpose for this lunch?” Dean asked, changing the subject.
“Zoey was concerned you both might still have an issue with us dating. I told her not to worry about it but, you know women, she wants to make sure we can all play nice.” Bennett already knew how he was going to explain his last-minute invite.
“If my sister is happy, then I have no issue,” Brice said while watching Dean out of the corner of his eye.
“I’m not sold yet that you do make her happy. She was on edge. I don’t like it,” Dean said in a warning tone.
“Could it have been the way you approached us when I entered the room?” He brought it right back onto Dean even though he knew Zoey’s nerves had everything to do with his kiss.
“My sister knows me and—”
“Had good reason to be worried. I know your reputation, Dean. And I’ve seen what you are capable of, how cold and ruthless you can be. It doesn’t worry me, but someone as sweet as Zoey wouldn’t be able to hide her fear.”
“I’d never do anything to hurt her,” Dean said, feeling agitated.
“If you see something, question it. Otherwise, don’t interfere.” Bennett shot Dean a serious look as though he was done playing his game. He didn’t expect Dean to just drop it and he was right. But the point was made, and it appeared both brothers agreed with him.
“Trust me, Bennett, I’m watching,” Dean said.
Brice, who’d been observing the exchange, chimed in with his two cents’ worth. “My wife is out with Zoey now. If there is anything we should know, I’m sure I’ll hear about it. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But don’t prove me wrong, Bennett. You might think I’m extremely different from Dean, but the truth is, I’m a hell of a lot worse.”
The rest of the lunch was talking about security for their business. With the Hendersons’ attitude, I could be in business for life protecting them.