Page 24 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
“I explained we had a date, so he left.”
“We’re pretending to be lovers. Or have you forgotten?”
How could I? I remind myself every time even the slightest hope tries to slip in. “Just making sure you didn’t say anything to upset him.”
Bennett laughed. “I do have a knack of pushing your brothers’ buttons.”
“You think? And I think you enjoy it too.”
He laughed. “It’s one of the perks of the job.”
She hated hearing the word job. “So is bowling today part of the job?”
“No. This is precisely what I said it was before.”
“What is that?”
“A date.”
Her heart skipped not just one beat, but she thought for sure it’d stopped altogether. Had he just said what she thought, what she’d hoped for? “Date?”
“Yes. That’s what you call it when a man picks up a woman and takes her out.”
For some unexplainable reason, she found herself blushing. Bennett hadn’t said anything that should’ve caused such a reaction, yet she turned pink-cheeked and shy all of a sudden. It was easier when I was only pretending. I have no idea how to act on a real date.
“Relax, Zoey. Stop thinking and just enjoy.”
Zoey nodded. “I’ll enjoy it more when I beat you at bowling.”
Bennett laughed. “Don’t expect me to throw a game just to see you smile again.”
“You seem very confident. How about a small wager?”
“What do you have in mind?” Bennett asked, suggestively.
Zoey laughed. “Don’t get your hopes up. I was actually thinking ice cream.”
Bennett shrugged. “Not as interesting as I hoped, but make it a sundae and you’re on.”
She was still smiling as they left the house. Is this what normal feels like? I hope so, and I hope I can have more of it.
Zoey turned to look at Bennett. He was so damn handsome, funny, and strong-minded. There was no doubt she was attracted to him. The only issue was how much. Although she was looking forward to their date, she had to remind herself to hold back. This was like being in a snow globe. Once the snow settled, everything was back to normal. And her normal wasn’t anything anyone wanted to live.
But for today only, she was going to listen to Bennett and stop thinking. If all she had was this date, she was going to make it one she’d never forget.
Bennett had enjoyed watching Zoey attempt to bowl. Even if he’d tried to throw a game, he didn’t think there was any way he could get enough gutter balls to make it look believable.
He was glad they’d ordered their sundaes to go. Bennett wanted time with Zoey and didn’t want to compete with a bunch of screaming kids for her attention. Her home was the best solution. He wanted her all to himself.
They sat at her kitchen table, and he ate his winnings. Zoey said, “I guess I’m not good at bowling.”
“Nope. You suck,” Bennett said teasingly.
“Well, it was my first time. I’ll get better.”
“You can’t get any worse.”