Page 12 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
It was the one place she could express her feelings and never be judged. Whether happy or sad, the keys never shared her secrets. Others may write their thoughts in a journal. Zoey put them on paper, but in a language that no one else in the family understood. Musical notes.
Before sitting down, she opened the bench and pulled out a folder, which she had hidden below a bunch of music books. The file was worn over the years and didn’t look like much on the outside, yet inside it held so much of who she was: the Zoey no one could ever see.
She pulled out the top sheet that held her latest work. It had been months, and yet it was still not complete. Unfinished work wasn’t anything new to her. In fact the entire folder was filled with pieces she’d begun and built, but couldn’t bring herself to end. She’d never been able to come full circle.
There may be eighty-eight keys on the piano but she rarely used the higher octaves. Her music was always the same with long sustained notes when she felt this way. No matter how she tried to brighten the music, she never succeeded when she was in this mood. Today was perfect for adding to the composition, given its already dark theme.
As she sat with her fingers hovering over the keys, she closed her eyes and let all her feelings of loneliness and abandonment come to the surface. She opened her eyes and played the last few measures she had written last time, and let her emotions guide her hands from there. Most composers would stop to jot down what they’d just played, but she would remember and write it down after.
It began romantically, seductively, as though it were her shell, what the world saw of her. Into her shell she wove the truth, a dissonance just a step away from the truth. Each added note was a negative word from her father that echoed in her head, each chord another lie he spun about her, even as a young child. She tried to transition the song to who her heart told her she should be. The music became brighter as she tried to change herself to gain his approval. With a heavy left-handed note she was struck down, still not good enough, still a pestilence upon her father, a blight upon the Henderson family name.
Her hands moved of their own volition, a bright staccato like a lighthouse beacon breaking through the fog. Her heart began to thunder with excitement and fear, a new raw emotion flooding through her fingertips. She could not place the emotion, having never felt this way before. She could only interpret what she heard, and it floated into her mind what her heart was expressing. Love.
Like always, as beautiful as it sounded, her fingers abruptly stopped. She couldn’t bring herself to play any longer. It was as though she held a beautiful bird in her hand, but her heart wasn’t ready for it, and all she could do was watch it fly away. Just like any brief moments of happiness she’d experienced in her life. They never lasted, as if they weren’t meant for her.
While each note was vivid in her memory, she quickly jotted them down. This was different from anything she’d written in the past. Although it was filled with heartache, it ended on a note of hope. If only my life were as simple and beautiful as this. But just like my music, no one knows the real me. I’m as invisible as these normally hidden sheets of music, and filled with just as much pain.
She refused to let herself go back to that dark spot again. She put her music back in the folder, closing it. That was enough for one afternoon. She grabbed a music book filled with happy love songs. It wasn’t what was in her heart, but she could play another person’s music to help her escape her thoughts, even if only for a short time. Closing her eyes again she played a joyful love song, one more appropriate for the time of year. The radio was filled with them. Couples dedicating a song to express their feelings, their commitment, to each other. She wasn’t envious of them. Long ago she’d come to terms with her destiny. Life was easier if you embraced the inevitable.
One thing she didn’t have time to come to terms with was the party tomorrow. It couldn’t be over fast enough for Zoey. Bennett had made clear his concern with her ability to pull off pretending to want him. He was way off the mark on that one. She was much more worried about concealing her desire for him. Wanting him will complicate things even more. Just one day, one night. I can do this. I have to do this.And then he’ll be gone, I’ll be alone again, and hopefully a step closer to my desired future.
Bennett let Dean’s call go to voice mail. He didn’t need to answer to know what he wanted. The more he called, the more humorous Bennett found it all. When he accepted the job, he’d originally taken it because of Zoey. He knew she’d never find anyone else, or at least, only a few people, who’d be willing to butt heads with her brothers. He, on the other hand, looked forward to it.
I can’t wait to see his smug face tomorrow. I’m not on his payroll. He can’t tell me to stay away from Zoey any longer. Well, he could try, but I just don’t give a fuck. For one night, he could act on every suppressed desire for Zoey Henderson. One night with her sexy curves beneath my hands.
That was one thing he enjoyed most about being self-employed. He did what he wanted. When he was in the Marines, he’d followed the rules, but even then, never to the letter of the law. He’d come close to seeing the brig on several occasions, but luckily he had avoided such action.
In civilian life, pushing things or people to the edge worked in his favor. As long as I don’t get caught. Bennett made it a point to surround himself with some very influential people. However, one thing he knew about these powerhouses was their loyalties went only as far as themselves. If at any time they thought they could lose anything substantial, they’d cut him off in a heartbeat.
He’d come to see something slightly different with the Henderson and Barrington families. They were rich and powerful but would stop at nothing to protect what they loved the most, their families.
His first time working for them was when Brice and Asher Barrington hired him to protect a major investment overseas. These two families were not related. However, it’d quickly become evident you didn’t mess with one without feeling the wrath of the other. Both families earned his respect then. And yet, here I am stomping on their toes purposely. I must’ve fucking lost my mind.
Although Zoey didn’t want her brothers to know about her health issues or wanting to find her mother, Bennett knew they’d love and support her. Why she wasn’t able to see that was beyond him. The fact alone that they were so protective of who entered her life spoke volumes. He knew families weren’t always what they appeared to be. From what he’d observed, the Hendersons could be both lethal as well as loving, more than anyone gave them credit for. Is that what concerns Zoey? She’s not sure which she’ll encounter? She has nothing to fear from them. Hell, I’m more likely to hurt her than they ever will.
He didn’t make it a habit of breaking hearts. Actually, he never got that involved. Yet, looking at Zoey, he knew there was so much more to her than she let people see. Whatever she was hiding only drew him to her even more. That wasn’t a good thing. It meant she could become more of a distraction than she’d been in the past. At least, we’re not talking life or death situation here. No one is coming after you with a gun. You just need information. Obtaining what others can’t get is one of my specialties. But this job is too damn easy. I still can’t believe I’m wasting my time on it. If it wasn’t for... damn it, for Zoey, I’d be off doing some real work instead of sitting here waiting to play boyfriend. What the fuck!
Bennett had already laid the groundwork for the DNA testing to be completed quickly. Obtaining the samples was child’s play, especially with the plan set in motion. That left only one thing. He needed to make sure his role was believable, yet not over the top. Dean was suspicious about who Zoey had invited to introduce to the family. Bennett could only anticipate what their reaction was going to be. Extreme anger.
He couldn’t blame them. He knew it had nothing to do with money or status. Actually, he lived quite comfortably, yet he was no billionaire. It was his lifestyle and career choice that most likely would put them off. Bennett put his life on the line more often than not to protect some high and mighty jerk who pissed someone off. It was amazing how frequently he received those assignments. Hell, it was just last year that Dean was that jerk. His ass was almost toasted. Hell, he almost took Tessa with him because of his actions. If it hadn’t been for my team, he wouldn’t be around to bitch at me now.
He knew they didn’t have the right to complain about his career choice, but Bennett knew they didn’t want Zoey anywhere near such a risk. And being close to him was just that. He’d made his own set of enemies along the way. An angry bee has a long memory. Eventually one will come back to the hive. It’s just a matter of time.
In their eyes, no one was acceptable for her. Even me. If it was her reputation they were concerned about, they were years too late for that. He agreed, he wasn’t the ideal choice, but from what he’d heard she wasn’t in the habit of making great ones for herself. They should’ve put the hammer down when she was running around with all those losers, whoever they were. Maybe if they had, she wouldn’t be single now. Obviously those guys were with her for only one thing, got it, and left.
He felt bad for even thinking such a thought. It shouldn’t matter what he’d read about Zoey in the reports. From what he’d seen, she was very much a lady. I don’t believe she is that good of an actress to fool me. Yet there is too much data to contradict what my gut is telling me. I work on facts, not feelings. I can’t let her become the exception to that rule. Besides, who she is or what she does has nothing to do with me. This is only a job, nothing more.
Without giving it much thought, Bennett scrolled through his cell phone and stopped on Zoey’s name. He hit call and tried to tell himself he wanted to confirm everything was set for tomorrow. One thing he never did was lie to himself. Not about to start now.
Her sweet voice echoed through the phone. I may not lie to myself, but that doesn’t mean I won’t lie to her. “Confirming the plan is on schedule.”
“Yes. I met with the caterers today and—”
“Good. And the family have all been notified?”
Bennett knew he’d stunned Zoey with his cold tone. It’s not what he wanted to do, but it had been intentional. She was going through a lot right now and playing with her emotions wasn’t fair to her.