Page 64 of His For Five Nights
“It’s just that this is so different from Boston. I’m not sure you’ll be happy here.” We’re not the rich and famous. Well, not famous for anything good.
“There is plenty here that I want to do myself.”
“I found my mother. Or I should say you found her. My siblings don’t know theirs, and I want to locate all of them. It’s going to be difficult for all parties involved. I know what I felt, and I can’t imagine what my mother is feeling. I could use your help with finding them and the transition to meeting their children.”
Ziva grinned. He genuinely wanted her to be part of his life. Not just here, but to become part of the entire Henderson family. She’d already met two of his brothers. If the rest were as kind, she knew she’d love them. And hopefully, they’ll love me in return.
“Alex, I’d love to help you. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For trusting me.”
“My sweet, I should thank you for trusting me. I know what my name means here.”
It was sad but true. They were hated. Unless you were greedy and only wanted their money. “Alex, that can change. I actually believe it has started. It will take time, but the people will see the man I see. And they’ll feel the same way.”
“And how is that?”
She smiled. “They’ll love you.”
He kissed her gently. “I don’t care who loves me, as long as you do.”
“Well, Mr. Henderson, I do love you, and in case you have any doubt, yes, I’ll marry you.”
Alex kissed her again. This time so tenderly it made her yearn for more. She pulled away and reminded him gently where they were. He laughed and said, “I can’t help but lose myself when I’m near you.”
Ziva got off his knee and said, “Maybe we should find someplace more... private.”
“Ah, like my island.”
“Your island?” Ziva asked.
“Yes, the one I took you to. I thought we could build a home there. You know, travel back and forth for times when we need a little... quiet.”
“And how are you going to work there?”
“I’m an author, Ziva. I can work anywhere.”
“Even here?”
“I might find some inspiration here.”
“I’d be flattered if you told me you wrote romance instead of intrigue,” Ziva teased.
“Hmm. Let’s get out of here,” Alex said, dragging her to the door.
Following him out of the house, they saw Nikolet sitting on a bench. Alex turned to Ziva and said, “Give me a minute.”
She nodded. I’ll give you my lifetime. She watched as he went to his mother. They spoke briefly but from the look on Nikolet’s face, Alex told her what transpired. She stood, placed a kiss on her son’s forehead, gave him a hug, then sat back on the bench. When Alex turned toward her again his eyes were sparkling.
“Mother said welcome to the family,” Alex said as he took hold of her hand again.
She’d gone a long time without family. “I’m so happy you found each other.”
“No Ziva. You found both of us. Without you, none of this would’ve been possible. Not stopping Rajani or the manager. Finding my mother probably would’ve taken more time, and who knows how receptive she’d have been without you? I call you my sweet for a reason. Because life has been noting but sweet since I laid eyes on you.”