Page 40 of His For Five Nights
“They all have women of their own. They wouldn’t expect anything different if they were facing the same situation.”
Women of their own? I’m not Alex’s anything. We have a connection of some sort, but we’re two different people. I’d never fit into his world, and he’d sure as heck never want to come live in mine.Telling that to Doug wasn’t appropriate. Saying it to his brothers wasn’t either. This conversation would be between her and Alex. If we ever get the chance. Until I know you’re safe, I won’t be able to rest.
Their chopper landed, and two men approached her. They had some similar features to Alex, but she would’ve guessed a more distant relation.
“You must be Ziva.”
She nodded.
“I’m Brice, and this is Dean. Glad to see you made it here safely.”
“I’ll be happy when you tell me Alex is safe as well.”
Brice turned to Doug. “Bennett?”
“In position,” Doug replied.
“The others?” Dean asked.
“All within range. When we have the choppers in the air, we’ll give the signal to go in.” Doug’s tone was so different than what he’d used when speaking to her. He was all business. She wasn’t sure what their plan to extract Alex involved, but she was glad to see they had one.
“I want to go,” Ziva sputtered out.
All three men said in unison, “No.”
She knew it didn’t make any sense, but she wanted to be there as he emerged. She wanted to run to him and wrap her arms around him. It wasn’t just about holding him tight. It was about holding on to each other. For the first time since she was a child, she hadn’t felt alone. Even though she knew it wouldn’t be forever, she wanted every second they could have together so she’d have memories to last her a lifetime.
While the men went back to their discussion, Ziva saw the girls rushing over from one of the choppers. There was nothing left for her to do here, so she made a mad dash to meet them halfway. There wasn’t a dry eye as hugs were exchanged. Although she was still sore, their tight squeezes brought back the hope she’d lost. “I’m so glad to see you’re all okay.”
“Your Mr. Henderson made sure we were,” Myla said.
Ziva was too happy at the moment to correct Myla. There had been so few times in her life that she’d felt this elated. She wanted to share in the joy with them. Yet, no matter how she felt at this moment, she couldn’t be content until she was able to lay eyes on Alex and know he was safe as well. Only then would all be well. And I can truly be happy. If only for a short time.
Alex had onceagain been summoned to join Rajani. This time it was for a late dinner. He wasn’t so sure about eating anything they were serving. The odds of her poisoning him was fifty-fifty.
Not having much choice in the matter since his escort took him to the dining room with an M-16 pointed at his back, Alex decided he might as well eat. If I’m going to die, may as well be on a full stomach.
The guard stood in the dining room with him, never taking his eyes off Alex. It wasn’t like he was protecting anyone at the moment. Rajani was nowhere in sight. The food was getting cold, and he was positive this hadn’t been part of her plan. How he hoped that meant Bennett had put a kink in whatever Rajani had in store for Ziva. I need to know she’s safe.
The door finally opened, and Rajani entered, dressed in a long, red formfitting gown, slit high on one thigh. Her hair was pulled back, and he noticed she wore a flower behind one ear. This better not be on my account, because it ain’t going to fucking happen.
She walked over and placed a hand on Alex’s shoulder and asked, “Do you like what you see?”
He didn’t look up at her. Instead, he replied, “Red is a bold color.”
“Only someone very passionate and confident can wear this color, don’t you think?” Rajani asked in a seductive tone. Alex wanted to hurl. Everything about her made him sick. The last thing he wanted was her touching him. No matter what, he would never physically hurt a woman. If I could, I’d reach up and break every one of those fucking fingers. I don’t want her near me at all. But until I know Ziva is safe, I have no choice but to play games.
Rajani waved her hand in the air, dismissing the guard. He gave Alex a warning look before leaving the room. Her actions surprised Alex since she really had no idea if he was a man with honor. For all she knew, he was just like his father. If I were, you’d last thirty seconds alone with me. If that long.
She didn’t take the seat at the far end across from him, which he’d hoped. Instead, she sashayed and settled herself in the seat beside him. “I hope you’re... hungry.”
Not for what you’re offering.“Not really.”
Rajani walked her fingers up his arm and touched his jaw. Turning his face, he had to look at her. He imagined men found her very attractive, until she opened her mouth and they heard the darkness in her heart. She disgusted him in every way possible. When I look into those eyes, I’m reminded of my father. I’m not sure if either of you are even human, because no one with a soul could do what the two of you have done. Pure evil.
“Maybe we skip dinner and move right to dessert then?”
“Actually, I’m hungry after all.”