Page 35 of His For Five Nights
He wanted a basin of water or something so he could clean her wounds. It pissed him off that Rajani had let Ziva be treated so poorly. He had a feeling this was better than what could’ve taken place. If Rajani hadn’t thought Ziva would be useful to obtain whatever she wanted, Alex was positive Ziva wouldn’t be alive right now. Why had they believed this was the only way to get me here? Why involve her?
Nothing eased his mind. Rajani’s words hadn’t been an idle threat. He knew if he didn’t comply, she’d have Ziva killed. Alex wasn’t sure what Rajani wanted, but he knew he would say yes. Even if it costs me my life, the answer will be yes.
Rajani had told him all they had was one night. He knew the guards would come for him at some point, and his time with Ziva would be over. Once they took him from this room, he might never see her again. Never before had he felt such pain within him. Pain had surrounded him his entire life, yet this by far exceeded any.
Alex wasn’t sure what he felt. He wasn’t one who believed in love, especially after knowing someone for such a short time. This feeling wasn’t lust because it wasn’t his cock aching. It was an indescribable tightness in his chest. The thought of Ziva suffering or dying made him physically ill.
He didn’t want to open his eyes as he feared seeing their reality. Yet, he needed to look upon her lovely face one more time. No matter who heard them, he needed her to know she was important to him. More important than I could imagine.
As his eyes opened, he saw the sun was rising as well. Since Bennett hadn’t shown up during the night, it wasn’t looking good. He’d written several books where characters were held hostage. Each time, rescue teams hit under the cover of darkness. Hit hard. Hit fast. All night he’d played out each scene. He knew exactly what he’d do if he were Bennett. Since he’d carried the duffel bag, he knew Bennett had the weapons needed to take out the guys in the towers. Long-range rifles would do the job easily. He’d seen the night-vision goggles stashed inside as well. If it were him, he’d take out the power and pick off the guards one by one. Yeah, I’ve written this scene plenty of times.
Since none of that took place last night, and he was still trapped in the room, he knew the window of opportunity was over. He’d have to be a fool to hit this place in the light of day. It was a well-armed fortress. He’d counted more than a dozen men when he’d arrived. With Rajani here, he was positive there were two or three times that many. Even if he could get in, they’d take us out long before Bennett found us. That’s if he didn’t get himself killed first.
Knowing that a rescue wasn’t coming helped him make his decision. When the guards came back for him, he’d go peacefully. It wasn’t going to be a battle of strength that would save Ziva. It was one of wits. Alex needed to stall for as long as he could, negotiate Ziva’s release, and agree to whatever Rajani wanted. She holds all the cards. Somehow, I need to pull an ace out of my sleeve. I just hope she doesn’t call my bluff.
Alex didn’t want to spend what little time he had left thinking about Rajani. He wanted every second to count. Raising himself up, he rested on his elbow. He wanted to look at Ziva’s face and memorize every single inch. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at him. It was the most amazing way to start the day. If only all my days started with you in my arms. I can understand what Brice says. Lena is his home, his life, his purpose. And that is something I will never experience.
Alex mouthed the words good morning. She responded likewise. He could see the concern in her eyes. Did she know what was about to happen, or was it just a reflection of his fears? He needed to find a way to tell Ziva this wasn’t over. He would fight for them.
Reaching for her hand, he took it and placed it over his heart. Then he mouthed the words, trust me. Taking his hand, she placed it over her heart. With her eyes glistening, she nodded. I do.
It was all they could do, all they could share, yet it was more than he’d ever shared with another living soul.
All too soon, he heard the key enter the lock and the knob turn. He gave Ziva a wink and rolled away from her. Standing by the bed, he turned to the guard. “Let’s get this over with.”
The guard stepped aside, and Alex walked out the door. He couldn’t bring himself to look back. If he did, she might see he wasn’t as confident as he’d pretended to be. I won’t be coming back.
The guards stopped at the bathroom and told him to freshen up. There was a shower and clean clothes waiting for him. Although it was needed, he wasn’t out to impress Rajani.
Once again, he found himself in Rajani’s office. This time she offered him a chair. She could offer him anything she wanted, but there was only one thing he wanted. Pissing her off wasn’t going to help get it.
Taking the seat across from her, he said, “I have a lot of questions. Is this a two-way conversation today, or have you already made up your mind?”
She slid her glasses down, so she looked at him over them. “Does that mean you want to hear more about the arrangement between our fathers?”
Fuck no. I don’t give a shit what those sick bastards promised.Alex knew he needed time. He also needed to gain her trust. Although, hell will freeze over if you think I’ll trust you. “I can’t make a decision until I know how this all came to be.”
“I thought I explained that last night.”
“You didn’t give me any details. I know my father was involved. What I don’t know is what he got out of it.” Besides feeding his sick perverted needs and six children.
“Oh. You want to talk money.”
Money was never a driving factor for Alex, yet he knew it was for Rajani. He needed to meet her on what she valued. She looked at this as a business, no different than if she was selling makeup or any other goods. That proved how sick and deprived she was. Beyond help.
“Partly, yes. And what my father was committed to delivering in exchange.”
“You don’t strike me as someone who’d want to know all the little details about our arrangement.”
“I can’t make a decision without the facts, can I?” He held his voice in a professional manner that almost made him cringe.
“Tabiq is a very poor country. Although we have other sources of revenue, there is one that is most profitable. All it took was the right connection. My father had the resources available; he needed the connections to many people with money who’d be willing to pay for such resources.”
Every time he heard women referred to as resources, he wanted to punch the shit out of her. He never would’ve thought he’d hear those words spoken by a female. It was worse than when a man said them. You should be appalled at what is happening to the women in this country. Instead, you’re sitting here, thinking of how you’re going to keep the money flowing.
Alex grew up knowing his father had no respect for women. He’d told his children women were all whores and were only good for one thing. How it was possible that neither he nor his brothers thought such things was beyond him. Maybe it was because we had Sophie Barrington, who showed us differently.
It was amazing that one woman had made such a difference in their lives. She was the mother of their friends. Yet, she’d always been there for them. When she said her door was always open, she meant it. The only things she’d ever shown the Henderson kids were kindness and empathy for their situation. Although she never said a negative thing about their father, her act of welcoming them into her home said she didn’t like or trust him.