Page 2 of His For Five Nights
That didn’t make any sense. Why would his father choose six different women? Was it just to avoid getting married? He could understand that because no woman would’ve been able to tolerate his ass. That didn’t explain why they never came looking for their children. For me.
“I know we’re miserable fucks, but you’re telling me that out of six women, not one of them wanted us? Why?”
“It wasn’t about wanting you or not. These women weren’t given a choice.”
So many things ran through his head. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions because so many of them were ugly as hell. When it came to his father and business, nothing was off limits. Was he that sick and controlling in women’s personal lives as well? God knows he was when it came to us kids. Why not with girlfriends? Unless they weren’t girlfriends. Money could buy a lot of things. Even silence.
“Either tell me, or I’ll find out when I get there.” Alex had decided long ago that, no matter what the truth was, he wanted to know. He hoped that wasn’t about to change. The look in Bennett’s eyes said this was difficult for even him to say.
“Tabiq is corrupt. Young woman are seen as business deals.”
“Are you saying they—?”
“Their young virgins are offered for a price. One your father was willing to pay. Six times.”
Alex considered himself a strong man, but this was a sick, painful blow he wasn’t expecting. He felt physically ill. Dad, you... bought our mothers? He’d come across a human trafficking ring before when doing research. It had disgusted him as it should any normal human being. Knowing he was conceived through such an act was abhorrent. Why would a man so damn disgusting like my father even have one child, never mind six? “Brice know?”
Bennett nodded.
Alex rose from his chair; it tipped backward and crashed to the floor. “And he’s done nothing to stop it? What the fuck is he waiting for? We need to go and find them. Get them the hell out of there. Fucking kill whoever sold them to my... father.”
The last word almost choked him to say. He never hated being the son of James Henderson more than he did at this moment.
“Alex, it’s not that simple. Think about it. You’re the third child, and you’re thirty-eight. Your mother could be fifty-six now. It’s been going on for over forty years. And it’s an ongoing issue.”
“Then we go there, and if they won’t stop, we fucking crush them.”
Bennett raised his hand. “No one is going to listen to you. None of you. The people fear the Henderson name to this day. I never met your father, but he was one sick bastard. If he wasn’t already dead—”
“You’d need to get in line.”
Alex never thought he could hate his father more than he already did. Right now, hate wasn’t strong enough to reflect his inner turmoil. He’d never felt out of control, but right now, he needed to stay away from the family. Seeing them, especially Brice, was going to open the floodgates to a conversation no one wanted to have.
He wasn’t about to wait on Brice’s approval to act. The wheels were already turning on what he needed to do. Bennett wasn’t going to like it, but if they wanted answers, then they would have to use what they had in their favor.
“Bennett, if you’re coming, we’re doing this my way. Understood?”
“I don’t like the look on your face, Alex. What the hell do you have planned?”
“You said they wouldn’t welcome us because of who I am, and they’re afraid of repercussions. Let’s use that to our benefit and go for the jugular. Let them think I’m just like my father, and in the market for...” He couldn’t say it.
“A virgin? You think you can pull that off when you can’t even say the word?” Bennett asked, his voice filled with doubt.
“You’d be amazed at what I can pretend to be.” Bennett didn’t need to know how he’d come to be so talented. It had taken years of practice. First as a child hiding what he didn’t want James to know and then as he became a successful published author of espionage novels. He’d managed to hide his true identity as an author from not only the readers but his own family.
“I guess you’re coming,” Alex said in a displeased tone.
“My team and I. When this goes dangerously critical, and it will, we’re going to need backup.”
“I’m trying not to bring attention to myself. The last thing I need is someone going in with guns blazing. My father never traveled with security guards, so I’m not about to either.” God knows my father should’ve. He was the most hated man I knew. Can’t believe he lived long enough to die of natural causes. “I want them to trust me. Not question my motives.”
It was funny because no one had trusted James, especially not his children. Alex usually looked forward to the challenge of pretending to be someone he wasn’t. This time, it scared the hell out of him. Was it because of how evil James was, or the fear that he might find he plays the role too fucking well? I’d rather be dead than be anything like my father.
“You’re going to want those guns. Doug Atwood and I didn’t receive a warm welcome when we went. Tabiq looks peaceful from afar, but I’m telling you, if they find out this is a hunting mission, we’re dead, and your money won’t buy a way out for us.”
Alex arched a brow. Bennett didn’t appear to be bluffing. “You might want to stay behind. My sister won’t forgive me if anything happens to you.”
“If something happens to me, trust me, you won’t be around to feel her wrath either. If we do this, we do it together. No man left behind.”