Page 49 of After Six
You can’t get rid of me even if you want to.
Cori never knewmaking love could be that mind-blowing and amazing. She’d had lovers in the past, but sex had always missed one major component: the emotional connection. Tonight was earth-shattering and mind-blowing on both levels.
She snuggled closer to him, her body entwined with his. Cori sensed something different about him. He wasn’t tense. It was odd, but last night when they fell asleep on the couch, she could tell he never truly relaxed. It was as though he couldn’t shut his brain off. She understood that, but not to the extreme Logan functioned.
Logan’s job required serious concentration, but what she’d felt from him hadn’t been work-related. Work seemed to be his escape. From everything she’d learned about his family, she totally understood why he was this way. In such a short time he’d changed. And so did I.
She’d been filled with so much anger and hatred that it had begun to consume her. Until her heart opened up to Logan, she hadn’t even realized what she’d been doing to herself. Cori had refused to live, to be happy. Subconsciously, she worried if she stopped looking for the killer and started living her life, she was not honoring her promise to Grandpa Joe.
Joe had been a man so full of life and love. He’d want her to be happy. But how would he feel about me loving the son of the man who killed him? She couldn’t help the twinge of guilt that ran through her.
Would Logan understand? He’d had to face so much already, but she worried if she told him she still wanted to pursue her grandpa’s killer, it might break him. They were in a wonderful place right now, why would she want to ruin it?
She ran her hand over his jaw. He was wonderful. Logan had made sure he gave to her. It wasn’t sex; it was making love. Until Logan, she’d only researched and read about the difference. Now she’d experienced it for herself. They never uttered the words I love you, but they told each other with their bodies.
It sounded so cliché. Part of her wished she’d told him before, but the timing hadn’t felt right. She would later. For now, she just wanted to hold on to this feeling. Enjoy seeing him at peace. Because tomorrow I’m going to have to tell him my suspicions. I need to tell him what I believe James Henderson did to my family.
She trembled, and he pulled her closer as though he thought she was cold. That wasn’t the case at all. It was because she knew it was time for her to come clean with exactly why she had deceived him in the first place. It’s not going to be good, but at least it will be the truth. Hopefully he won’t be completely disgusted with me for faking an injury to talk to him. I’m sure it would anger him to have used his professional time so selfishly.
She didn’t know where they were going, but she knew wherever it was, she wanted it to be with everything out on the table. Secrets and lies will eventually come out and destroy whatever chance we have for our happily ever after.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” Logan asked gently.
She hadn’t noticed he’d been watching her. “I thought you were sleeping.”
“That’s not an answer.”
She smiled at him. “I’m fine. Just thinking.”
“Of what?”
Cori wasn’t going to talk to him tonight about what was troubling her. Instead, she ran her fingers over his chest and said, “I was thinking that my bed hasn’t broken yet. You might need to try harder.”
Logan laughed and rolled her on top of him. “Challenge accepted.”