Page 29 of After Six
Chapter Nine
“You really can’t think this is a wise move. Brice is no fool. He’s going to ask questions,” Bennett barked over the line.
“He can ask all he wants. I don’t have any answers.”
“My point exactly. He’s not going to ask you. He’ll come to me. I haven’t told him anything that has been going on with you. I’d like to keep it that way so I don’t have to.”
Logan knew one thing about Hendersons: they all had their secrets. Bennett had proven his loyalty to them, but when it came to internal family secrets, he wasn’t sure where he stood. Guess I’m going to find out.
“He won’t have a clue what Cori is up to.”
“And you’re going to pull that off how?”
He hadn’t thought that through entirely. Meeting Brice for a beer wasn’t out of the norm. Bringing a woman with him sure was. Bennett was right. He needed a story. One that Brice wouldn’t question. “I’ll introduce her as my... date.”
Bennett’s laughter echoed through the phone. “And you don’t think that wouldn’t be suspicious? If anything that will get the entire family talking.”
“Brice doesn’t care.”
“No, he doesn’t. But he’ll tell Lena, and she’ll tell all the women, who then will plan some event that will require you to bring Cori with you. Can you see how quickly this can spiral out of control? You’d be better telling him the truth, that she’s a reporter.”
“That’s not going to happen.” If it weren’t for Bennett, he wouldn’t know himself.
“Well, you better think of something, because Shaun told Morgan to keep it under wraps. I’m not sure how long she’ll be able to pull that off.”
“That’s perfect. Thanks for reminding me.” He’d tell Brice they met at Morgan’s parents’ house. Not a lie. Not exactly the truth either.
“Logan, I used to think you were the normal one. I don’t anymore. You’re just as fucked up as your brothers. Speaking of which, Shaun is meeting his mother tonight.”
Logan didn’t want to talk about that. He knew exactly where the conversation was going. “That’s nice.” His voice was dry and intentionally without emotion.
“I know this isn’t easy for you. We’ve tried everything to locate your mother. She never returned to Tabiq after having you. At least, not that we can find a record of. And we have been unsuccessful in tracking down anyone in the US that knows what happened either.”
He didn’t need Bennett to tell him his mother wasn’t alive. There was something deep within him, a feeling he couldn’t shake. From the moment he’d learned they each had a different mother, he knew he’d never meet his.
“Quit looking. Some things aren’t meant to be.” I don’t need to know. It was part of the reason why I despised James Henderson so much. He stole everything from me. At least everything worth having.
There was a pause before Bennett spoke again. This time his voice didn’t hold the hardness it normally did. “I wish I could tell you that we’ll find her. Everything leads to a dead end. I’m not ready to give up yet. You shouldn’t be either.”
He had no idea why Bennett was being so stubborn about this. What did it matter to him whether Logan’s mother was dead or alive? He’d found everyone else’s, including Zoey’s. Why couldn’t he just let it go? “Is there something you know that I don’t?”
“There is, but I’m not sure I should tell you.”
He was done playing games. “Does this have to do with my mother or not?”
“It does in a way. What I found out was your mother was related to Zoey and Alex’s mother. She was their first cousin.”
“Okay. Once again what aren’t you telling me?”
“I’m not searching for her just for you, but for Zoey as well.”
That made no sense at all. Zoey had her happy family. Why would it matter to her if his mother was alive or not? ’Cause she’s my sister and wants me happy. “Then explain to her that I’m okay. She doesn’t need to worry about me.”
“It’s not just about your happiness. I’m not supposed to say anything, but she’s been seeing a doctor in New York.”
He hadn’t heard a damn thing about this, and that didn’t please him at all. “What’s going on, Bennett? Don’t leave anything out,” Logan demanded.