Page 22 of After Six
“Then don’t go.”
Bennett grunted. “Shaun is going to meet his mother. If you think telling him to wait while you handle this reporter your way is going to go over well, then you don’t know your brother.”
He got it. Shaun wanted his mother to be part of his children’s lives. That’s great. They could all be one big happy family. Damn. I even sound like a jackass in my head. He wanted to be happy for Shaun, just like he wanted to be for everyone else. All he could see was complications. For him, it wasn’t fear of what he’d find, as much as what he wouldn’t find.
They all expected to find the part of them that had been missing. Logan’s problem wasn’t what he was lacking. It was what he’d struggled with all his life. Finding a mother that he never knew wasn’t going to change that. If anything, it could make him bitter. I can’t miss what I never had. I can only hate what I did.
“She won’t find out from me.” That was one thing he was sure of.
“That wasn’t the answer I hoped for. What do you know that you’re not telling me?”
He’d forgotten how good Bennett was at deciphering things over the phone. “She went to a family gathering.”
There was a brief, unexpected moment of silence. It was rare to throw Bennett off. “I might be out of the country, but Zoey usually mentions things like this.”
“Ah. It wasn’t a Henderson party. Shaun’s in-laws celebrated their anniversary, and Cori was invited.”
Bennett’s tone spoke louder than his voice. “What the hell! When did this take place?”
“I didn’t know they knew each other.”
“She was hit by a car in front of their house a few days ago. They took her in, and they had Shaun take her to the hospital to get checked out, and then he took her home. If Elizabeth likes you, you can’t run from her. Guess she likes Cori.” So do I. Just for different reasons.
“This is not good. You have no idea what happened there.”
“Yes, I do. I made sure I showed up and kept an eye on her the entire time.” Couldn’t have stopped if I tried. He wasn’t going to mention kissing her as that was only going to fuel the fire. Besides, it wasn’t any of Bennett’s business. The only thing he needed to worry about was making sure the family was safe. Logan’s gut said Cori wasn’t a real threat.
“You better keep a close eye on her, Logan. Shaun’s leaving in the morning, and we don’t want her asking any questions about where he is. I’ll confirm with him that his in-laws don’t know anything. Damn, this is one fucking mess. You Hendersons only do things the hard way.”
Logan laughed. “This is coming from a guy who served many years in the Marine Corps? Shit, I guess we are fucked up then.”
Bennett chuckled. “You don’t know the half of it.”
I don’t think I want to.He ended the call because it was time to pick up Cori. For some odd reason, she burst out laughing when he offered to buy her dinner. She was a strange one, and he found that refreshing. She wasn’t easily impressed by anything he said or did. Heck, if anything it put her off. Cori was a challenge and one he looked forward to seeing again.
When he picked her up, she insisted they go to a coffee house, and she would pay. Tonight she was in a take-charge mood. She picked the destination and led the conversation. He felt more like he was along for the ride instead of on a date with her.
On the way back he couldn’t stand it any longer. Something had changed from yesterday, and he needed to know what.
“Cori, you seem... different tonight. Even your questions weren’t what I expected. I mean everything you asked you could’ve found out on your own. It’s public knowledge.”
She looked out the window and wouldn’t meet his eyes. What she didn’t realize was he could see her reflection in the glass.
“I figured you’d had a long day at work, so I’d keep the interview simple and short.”
That was such bullshit. There was something else going on, and he wanted to know. Pushing her for the answer might get one he wouldn’t like. Instead, he opted for a different route. “I appreciate that. Thank you. But I’m sure you have a deadline for this story. Why don’t we meet tomorrow again and this time we’ll eat. I don’t know about you, but after a long day at work, coffee doesn’t cut it for me.” Neither does this night ending so soon.
She turned and faced him. “Only if I buy.”
He arched a brow. “I’m okay with equal rights for women, but I prefer to pay.”
“Hmm. I’ll make a note of that.” She giggled and added, “For the article.”
As they pulled up to her apartment, he leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. She sat back and looked startled. He said softly, “For the article.”
She blushed, and he smiled as he watched her exit the limo all flustered. Maybe you will write one of those sex articles about me. He leaned back and burst out laughing. You are certainly a fascinating woman, Cori. I want to know everything about you.
How that was going to happen without her learning everything about him... well, that remained to be seen.