Page 14 of After Six
“Please, call me Logan. And I’m glad you’re feeling better. If you don’t mind, I’d like to confirm that for myself. What do you say we met at the bar called Heads Up around seven?”
Her head stopped pounding, and now her heart was. Was he asking her out? It sounded like it, yet not really. One thing she had figured out was Logan was extrememly serious about his profession. Hitting on a patient wasn’t something he’d do.So what is this then?
“I know the place, but I’m not sure why you want to meet me there.”
“Would you rather meet somewhere else? I can come to your place.”
“No! I mean I can make it. Seven it is.”
She hung up the phone, put her pillow over her face, and let out a muffled scream. Why am I doing this to myself?
She knew the answer; she just didn’t like it. Logan Henderson from afar in swim shorts was gorgeous. In his office, with his suit and strict demeanor, he’d been suave and self-possessed. Despite his looks, she’d kept her emotional guard up. Except for the moment he’d held me in his strong arms. Not only was I enveloped in his scent, I’d looked into his amazing eyes. She should have wanted to keep a large distance between them, and find any information she could on why scum like the Hendersons should bear the guilt of their father’s abhorrent sins. But...
She wanted to see him again. Not because she wanted to gather dirt on him, but because she couldn’t stop thinking about him and those damn dark eyes. Why do I want what I can’t have?