Page 10 of After Six
Chapter Three
Logan had spent most of the night on the Internet trying to find this mystery woman. He was seriously tempted to do something unethical and actually contact that clinic because her health wasn’t where his mind was focused. He also knew what he wanted to know about her, wasn’t going to be in any of their files. Logan chose to do something slightly different and contacted Bennett Stone. But possibly equally as unethical...
“Do you truly believe someone would fake an injury to meet you?”
He didn’t like Bennett’s tone. He wasn’t so vain as to think it was because of a love interest. She hadn’t come across as the stalker type. Then again he’d been busy trying to evaluate her injuries based on her symptoms. “This isn’t about me, Stone. This is about the family. If I’m right, she bumped into Shaun too. What are the odds of that?”
“I’ll look into it, but it’s going to be difficult from Tabiq. Send me what you have, including the copy of her driver’s license the receptionist took for your file. Also, the name of the clinic she went to.”
“Will do.” Logan wasn’t willing to cross that line, but Bennett followed a different set of rules. That’s why he’s so damn good at what he does.
He disconnected the call and picked up Cordelia’s file again. There really wasn’t much in it to explain why she’d made an appointment to see him. If there’d been copies of prior test results showing an actual injury, he’d feel less concerned. They’d learned a few years ago that when a Henderson had an enemy, they were out for blood. She didn’t look like she could hurt a fly, but then again, he didn’t look at people that closely. Normally he saw only what he needed to. If he let himself truly see a person, it would shatter him each time he lost one on the operating table. Logan wasn’t about to admit to Bennett that he didn’t have a gut feeling about this. He really was relying on Shaun’s information. No matter their differences, they were brothers, and they always watched each other’s back.
That didn’t mean he wanted to open that door with Shaun and tell him he might be right. Hell, I hope you’re not. If he was, that meant once again the Henderson family was going to have to tighten security.
He would let Bennett do his thing, but that didn’t mean Logan was going to sit back and wait. He had Cordelia’s address and phone number, and he planned on checking her out himself.
He’d finished his rounds at the hospital early, and there didn’t seem to be anything urgent awaiting his attention. Those types of days were few and far between, so he planned on making the most of it. So many options lay before him. He could do what a lot of his colleagues were doing—play golf. That would mean talking shop while holding a putter. It killed time, accomplished nothing, and wasn’t relaxing. He’d make his appearance at the country club another time, not today.
This Saturday, he had his own agenda. Might not be his forte but he was about to do some of his own recon. The first thing he needed to do was change out of his suit. They’d had only one brief encounter. He didn’t think she’d recognize him in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.I can’t say the same about her.
Even though he was a professional, her eyes had captured his attention that day. They were darker green than any he’d seen before, yet for a brief second, they lightened and actually looked blue. They reminded him of a mood ring his sister, Zoey, had as a child. She’d worn it everywhere, but it usually stayed one color in the house. They’d gone over to play at the Barrington’s one afternoon, and the entire time they were there the ring lightened up. He’d asked her afterward, and she explained different colors meant different feelings. The lighter color had meant she was happy. Dark was scared or anxious.
Cordelia’s eyes had gone light after she’d fainted and he was carrying her. If anything, he thought she’d be in full-blown panic mode. Yet, she seemed totally relaxed and comfortable in his arms until he called out for 911. That was like flipping a switch, and she had one thought only, to flee. Was that an indication she was lying or truly didn’t want to go to the hospital?
That was the problem. Logan didn’t know, but he was about to find out. He was parked in front of the apartment building number she’d left on her form. It wasn’t the same address where Shaun dropped her off. This isn’t a good sign.
The doorman stopped him and asked, “The name of the person you wish to see please?”
Logan was glad she had good security. Somehow knowing she was safe made him feel better. It was odd because he didn’t know her, yet something inside of him wanted to.
“I’m here to see Ms. Sparks.”
The man opened the door and said, “Apartment 4A. The elevator is on your right.”
Her file didn’t list her occupation, but Cordelia wasn’t doing so badly for herself living in a place like this. Not where someone who was trying to keep a low profile would stay.
He finally landed at her door and contemplated whether knocking was really a good idea. Recon probably should’ve been done from a distance, but he wasn’t one to play games. He faced challenges head-on. Cordelia was just that.
Here goes nothing.He knocked and waited. A woman opened the door. She had similar features to Cordelia but was older by several years. “I’m looking for Ms. Sparks.
“That’s me. Can I help you?”
“I should clarify, Cordelia Sparks.”
“May I ask what this is in reference to?” the woman asked as she looked him up and down.
He almost burst out laughing because, normally, no one looked at him with such suspicion. Maybe I dressed down too much? “That’s confidential.”
“Then I guess this conversation is over,” she snapped and slammed the door.
This wasn’t going exactly the way he’d planned. On the ride over it had played out entirely differently. Somehow he’d pictured her happy to see him and even inviting him in for coffee. Leaving right now didn’t seem to be the best option. He’d gained nothing from coming, and that didn’t sit well with him.
Knocking again, the woman answered, this time the look on her face was stern. “If you persist in disturbing me, I’ll have no option but to call security. Since you don’t care to tell me why you’re looking for my sister, then we have no further business.”
Cordelia was her sister. You’re the uptight one. “I’m checking on her. She wasn’t feeling well the other day, and I’m a concerned... friend.”