Page 7 of Nine Rules of Engagment
“Well, what is your excuse now? You’re out here with me in search of your purse and you don’t know me, not even my name.”
Gia crossed her arms. Arrogant ass. “Who said I was going anywhere with you?”
“I thought you wanted to find out about your purse?”
She did. But then again, she also wanted to stay alive. “Not that badly.”
“You’re a very . . . interesting woman, Gia.”
Somehow she didn’t think he meant that as a compliment. “Are you going to introduce yourself or just continue being rude?”
First name was better than nothing. “And you know Lena how?” She didn’t know why she was asking. Was she making small talk until she could come up with a reason to walk away? That was almost as ridiculous as this so called conversation. Roger didn’t really seem to want to help her as much as he wanted to question her.
“I’m a friend of the family.”
“Oh. Then maybe you can call her for me and ask.”
“That’s my plan.” He pulled out his cell phone and made a call.
This might be easier than I thought. Well, now at least.But that was short-lived. When the call ended he said, “Sorry, they haven’t seen it. Are you sure it was there?”
“That or on the bus.”
“Did you try calling them?” Roger asked.
She shook her head. “No, I can do that now.” But the bus she’d been on had been towed. That meant they might not have located her purse yet. Or worse, it was lost for good. She traveled with all her identification inside her purse. Gia panicked as she searched for the bus terminal’s number. After being put on hold for what seemed like an eternity, she finally got through to an actual person instead of a computer.
“Hello. My name is Gia Gravel. I was on bus one zero-nine yesterday, and I just realized I may have left my purse inside.”
“Miss, that bus is in the repair shop.”
“I’m aware of that.” Since I was on it when the tire blew. “But I need someone to check for my purse.”
“We don’t have anyone who can do that. The bus should be returned to us sometime tomorrow. If you would like, I can have someone check for you then.”
She tried not to let her frustration show as she could feel Roger watching her while she spoke. Be professional. Be respectful.Hell, be assertive! “I can’t wait that long. This is my purse we’re talking about, not a book.”
“Miss, I understand that, but the repair shop will be closing soon. The best I can do is look for you tomorrow. I’m sorry.”
Roger waved for her phone, and she looked at him like he was crazy. “I promise, I’ll give it back.” Reluctantly she handed him her phone. “Who am I talking to?”
Roger’s tone was much more . . . demanding and firm than hers had been. She wished she could hear the response.
“I believe Miss Gravel has asked nicely. If I need to go there and look myself, you won’t get the same from me.” Gia could hear some grumbling on the other end of the line before Roger continued. “I’ll wait.”
As they waited, she was shocked and perturbed. Why did it take a man to get the guy’s butt moving? No one should have to threaten to get action. So much for, you can catch more flies with honey. Maybe you get more with a swatter.
Although they didn’t have an answer yet, she still appreciated Roger for trying. “Thank you.”
“Haven’t done anything yet,” Roger replied.
“You got him to at least look. That’s something.”
“The guy’s an ass.”
And you’re a . . . She wasn’t sure what word would best describe him. If he got them to locate her purse, she might need to change her initial thought to hero.