Page 65 of Nine Rules of Engagment
Roger nodded. “He freaked out when I told him Lena was in labor.”
“I’m so happy you did. Nothing I said was going to get Lena to go to the hospital. I thought for sure I’d be delivering a baby. Which, by the way, is not a skill I have,” Gia clarified.
“Me either,” Allyson added. “I really thought we’d hear something by now. It sounded like she was going to deliver right away.”
Caydan chimed in, “Brice said the contractions stopped, and they are in the waiting game.”
“Lena told me they missed their family Sunday brunches at her house. Maybe Brice was trying to get us all together as a family for Lena.”
That’s not Brice’s style.By the look on Caydan’s face, he knew that wasn’t it either. Gia was grinning.
“I can see how she would enjoy such a thing. Of course, she’s in no shape to plan it. I’m not sure how your family functions go, but in mine, men are horrible with the details. If it were up to my brother or father to plan, there’d be beer and burgers, in that order.”
Allyson’s eyes became bright. “Gia, you’re a genius.”
“I am?” Gia replied.
“Yes. We’re all in Boston. Why don’t we plan a family reunion?” Allyson asked.
Caydan looked at her and asked, “You’re joking right?”
Allyson shook her head. “No I’m not. The last time we were all together was a year ago for our wedding. This would be great.”
“There’s no way you can take all that on yourself,” Caydan said. Then added, “And I’m not helping.”
“Good, because I wasn’t asking you to. Like Gia said, we want this done right.” Allyson turned to Gia and said, “We can pull this off without their help. But I know my sisters-in-law will want to get involved too.”
“We?” Gia echoed.
Allyson reached across the table and said, “It was your idea, and everyone is going to want to meet you anyway. What better way than this?”
Roger looked to Gia, who seemed overwhelmed. He could easily get her out of that, but there was a part of him that wanted her to do it. Maybe so he didn’t need to suffer through another Henderson event alone.
Gia looked up at him with pleading in her eyes. Instead he fed her to the wolves. “You’re right, Allyson. If anyone can pull this off with such short notice, it’s this woman.” Because I’ve underestimated her every step and always left in awe.
Gia seemed surprised that he was encouraging her. But then she turned back to Allyson and said, “Just so you know, I’m not a party planner, but I’m organized and that can be a plus.”
Allyson beamed, and Caydan shook his head then said to Roger, “I hope this means you’re staying in Boston for a while. Because I’m not going to be listening to this all by myself.”
Roger looked over to Gia and said, “I have no plans to go anywhere.”
Gia’s eyes softened as she smiled. “Then I guess we have a party to plan.”
“I can’t wait to tell the others. But let’s not do it in Boston. I want someplace the kids can all run around and have fun too.”
“I have a suggestion,” Roger said. “Why don’t you ladies talk about this tomorrow?”
Caydan added, “I second that motion.”
The two women laughed and exchanged phone numbers. It gave Roger the perfect time to make their escape.
“Since you two will be chatting a lot, what do you say you and I head out for some alone time?”
Gia smiled up at him, blushing slightly. “You did promise me dessert.”
Roger’s body tensed, knowing exactly what it was he wanted. She was all the sweet he needed. He turned to Caydan. “Thank you for dinner. Allyson, try and keep him out of trouble while you’re in Boston.”
She placed a hand on Caydan’s arm. “I don’t know. Trouble seems to be his middle name. Just like yours.” Then she said, “I’ll call you tomorrow, Gia.” Giving her a wink, she added, “But not too early.”