Page 10 of Nine Rules of Engagment
“Good.” Roger turned to the mechanic and handed him some money. Gia tried to see how much, but it was too late. The cash had been quickly pocketed.
As they headed back to Roger’s car, she said, “You didn’t need to do that, you know. I have my purse back and could’ve tipped him.”
“Since you wouldn’t let me pay for your dry cleaning, this is the least I can do.”
She smiled. “It was wash-and-wear.”
“I’m glad it wasn’t ruined. You looked—”
“Wet.” She didn’t want any bullshit line about looking nice.
“You say it as it is. That’s refreshing.”
“Wish my boss had thought so,” Gia muttered.
“His loss.”
Gia laughed. “Yes, it is. Except I will miss having a pay check.” She might not live a wild lifestyle, but food in the fridge, a roof over her head, and clothes on her back were nice.
“I have a feeling you won’t be unemployed for long,” Roger stated.
As she got back inside his car she said softly, “I hope not.”
They were almost back to Henderson Tower when Roger asked, “Would you like to have dinner with me?”
Her stomach was growling, and he probably was only showing pity on her. Just as he’d seemed to since they’d crossed paths again. “You don’t need to do that.”
“Eat? My stomach says otherwise.”
She shook her head. “Ask me to dinner. You can drop me off anywhere, and I can find my way home.”
Roger laughed. “First off, I don’t do anything I don’t want to. Second, it’s just dinner. Either you’re hungry or you’re not, but I’d enjoy the company.”
She wasn’t sure what they would talk about, but she knew there was nothing to eat at home. Normally she ate toast and tea for breakfast and ate out for lunch. That had come and gone, and one thing Roger was right about, she needed to eat.
“Only if I can pick the place.”
He cocked a brow then said, “Just give me the directions.”
Roger had no idea what he was doing sitting in a pizza joint when he had shit he was supposed to be working on. But he’d been so shocked to see Gia standing in Henderson Towers arguing with the security guard. No matter how tough she was, there was no way she would’ve gotten through. The Hendersons would’ve fired the guard’s ass if she had. Of course, Roger wasn’t technically on the payroll. More like doing them a favor. Not that he had any plans of collecting on it later. But he opened his mouth then wished he could take it back.
“Give me your résumé and I’ll pass it along to the Hendersons.” Her eyes widened with hope and he couldn’t back out now. “Not sure if they are looking for anyone with your skill set.”
“You’d really do that for me?” Gia asked.
He nodded. “I can only get it in their hands. After that, it will be up to you to sell yourself to them, if they want you.” Gia laughed and Roger didn’t know what was so funny. “Questioning your abilities?”
Shaking her head, she answered, “I think I’ve changed my mind about rainy days. They’re not as bad as I had thought.”
He could appreciate her positive attitude. Roger would be shocked if the Hendersons didn’t take her on. But even as he thought about it, he wondered what the hell was wrong with him. Gia seemed so nice, sweet and honest. Those guys weren’t going to appreciate what she had to offer. It actually was possible she’d have the same, if not worse, experience than with her last boss.
“I’m looking for help on a project.”
“I’ll find a job. I don’t need you making one up because you feel bad for me.”
This time Roger laughed. “You seem to think I’m a lot nicer person than I really am.”
“Maybe it’s because you’ve gone out of your way for me today. Jerks usually don’t do things like this.”