Page 42 of Ten Broken Promises
Roger nodded. “You know him?”
“No. But his wife just stopped in to check on me. Seems like I get to talk to everyone except the person who asked me to be here.”
“Well I’m here now to escort you to the conference room where they’re all waiting.”
And there was that word again. They. “Should I even bother asking who they are and what this is about?”
Roger shook his head. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. But I hope you know that you can trust me.”
He used to. That was before he became so close to the Henderson family. “Lead the way,” he responded. Only time would tell if Roger was friend or foe. He hoped he wasn’t going to be disappointed.
Entering the conference room, Connor was surprised to see exactly who they were. If he were on a pirate ship, he’d think he was about to walk the plank. There were faces he knew and some he didn’t. For the most part this looked like a Henderson convention and all eyes were on him.
This can’t be good.
He turned to Roger and shot him a look. Guess I have my answer. Roger left, closing the door behind him.
Alex Henderson said, “Connor, thanks for coming. Why don’t you have a seat and we can start the meeting.” Connor took a seat closest to the door. Alex said, “I’m not sure if you know everyone, so let me do some introductions. I’m guessing that you know my brothers, Brice, Dean and Logan. You might not have met Cayden Pintino, also our brother.”
No I have not. The Henderson clan continues to grow.He was losing count. Was that eight siblings now? No, it was nine. There had been a rumor about a long lost sister named Rhonda. But that rumor was crushed, probably by the Hendersons. That didn’t mean it wasn’t true.
“Nice to meet you,” Connor said, holding back all the questions running through his mind.
Alex continued. “And then we have Gareth Lawson, whom I believe you met at your sister’s wedding.”
“I did.” Gareth was the piece that didn’t seem to fit. The only non-family member, beside himself. I knew there was something more going on here and the Lawsons are in on it. He had wished he had been wrong. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Kollette by telling her she married into a den of snakes. Connor looked across the table at Shaun, who up until now had seemed supportive, almost…likeable. Once again, all bullshit.
Brice took over and said, “I’m sure you’re wondering why we brought you to Tabiq to meet with us.”
“If it was to fire me, then I’d say you could’ve saved us all a lot of time.”
“Your employment is not what has us concerned. We’re aware of what took place in New York.”
“For the record, that’s not my child,” he stated. “The misunderstanding has been cleared up.” And this better not be about Krista, because this meeting is going to get ugly real fast. He didn’t care what they had to say to him. He could take care of himself, even against the likes of them. But Krista, was one of the most generous people he’s ever met. Not that she had money, but giving of her time and genuine care. He’d personally take down each one of these mother fuckers if they thought about hurting her, never mind if they did.
“Yes it was handled. But it is how you accomplished it that has us worried,” Brice stated.
Connor glared at him. “I’m not sure how I handle my personal affairs is any of your business.”
Shaun cut in. “We’re not talking about what it was, but how you rectified the situation. It took a very tech savvy person to do that type of…work. I’m sure you recall us talking about that before.”
He did. And he also remembered not telling him much about it. Now he was glad he never mentioned Mikie. The kid was good, but no way would he be able to stand up against the Hendersons. Hell, he can’t even stand up to Patty. “I can’t tell if you’re impressed or…”
“Worried,” Logan finished. “That is why we asked you here. As you said earlier, we don’t want to waste anyone’s time, but this needed to be handled.”
“Are you referring to me? Because I don’t get handled.” Even the word pissed Connor off. The Hendersons were used to getting their way. Guess what. So am I.
Shaun shook his head. “What my brothers are trying to say is we wanted to give you the opportunity to ask your questions instead of utilizing your resources to obtain them.”
“So you’re all here so we can…talk?” he said.
Alex nodded. “More like you ask, we answer.”
Connor leaned back in his seat and eyed each and every one of them in the room. There was no way he believed that he had the floor and they were going to cooperate. That’s not how they worked.
“Okay. You want questions and I need answers.” He looked directly at Gareth and asked, “What are the Lawsons and Hendersons hiding?”
Brice said, “Are we talking business? Because we do not do business with Lawson Steel.”