Page 32 of Ten Broken Promises
That meant he could actually get some work done. Not that things had piled up. While she handled what she needed to in New York, so did he. But if he was going to leave for Tabiq in a few days, he should check in with the staff, and the Hendersons.
He put together a quick email with all the information that Bennett stated; who was the main contact and basically a reminder to do their jobs. Connor thought it was a waste of time, because what he’d observed so far, the Hendersons ran a tight ship. If someone wasn’t doing their job, their ass was terminated. Reminding Bennett of that fact would’ve only resulted in a lengthy explanation, and he didn’t want to hear one. His job was to do as he was told.
With that done, now he just needed to update the Hendersons. He found it so much easier to work with one, and then him tell the others. Closing his laptop he headed to Shaun’s office. Before he could even leave his office, his phone was ringing.
“Falciano here,” he answered.
“I wasn’t expecting you in the office today,” Shaun stated.
“Why is that?” he asked.
“Once you provided me the update regarding that woman, I figured you’d need more time in New York to set things up,” he said.
“Krista, I mean Dr. Chinto, utilized her connections and made things happen much faster than I could’ve.”
“Sounds like it was a wise choice to bring her along.”
“Things would’ve gotten done, but not the things that were needed. But as I mentioned, the Henderson name is not associated with anything regarding this.”
“I have to say, when you called and told me about Miss Twanda’s illness, I was shocked. I can’t imagine what she’s going through. I know how much my kids need me, but most of all, need their mother,” Shaun said. “I couldn’t even bring myself to tell Morgan about it.”
It wasn’t something Connor or Krista wanted shared. “From what I understand, Miss Twanda learned of her illness while she was pregnant. Because of the baby, they couldn’t operate. She chose to have the baby anyway.” He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the emotional hell Miss Twanda had been going through. Through her entire pregnancy she must have been wondering if she’d live long enough to see her baby born. Thankfully she had. How much time she had left, well, Krista wasn’t revealing that information. Then again, Connor wasn’t sure Krista or the other doctors really knew. Some things no one can predict. If they could, I’d have been home with my mother, instead of on an undercover assignment.
“I understand Dr. Chinto handled the medical side, but that was only one piece. The media was all over this birth. And now….nothing?”
“So far, and I’m going to continue to try to keep it that way,” he responded. It was going to take an ongoing effort, at least for a few weeks. But this was going to fade, just like Krista had said. She hadn’t been wrong yet. Well, she was wrong about one thing; Connor was never going to be the family man she thought he could be.
“And yet through this, you managed to keep her illness a secret. How did you pull that off?” Shaun asked.
“I know someone who is damn good at those type of things.” He wasn’t sure he wanted to mention Mikie’s name to Shaun. Bennett probably would snatch him up, but Connor didn’t want to work for the Hendersons forever. And in the back of his mind, he was already drawing up his list of people he wanted on his team. The only thing keeping Mikie off the list was the fact he was about to become a father. Being a janitor might not pay great, but his life wouldn’t be on the line either.
“And here I thought for sure I’d receive a call from you asking for my help,” Shaun sighed
“You did. I used the chopper. Which by the way, I’d like to use tonight so Dr. Chinto can be flown home.”
“I thought I heard you got back last night?” he said.
“We did. But there were a few things that needed attending to before she left,” he said.
Shaun chuckled. “Oh, it’s like that.”
Connor growled out, “No. It’s not.” But damn, I wish it was.
“If you say so. Your personal life is none of my business,” Shaun said.
Connor almost burst out laughing. Every time he spoke to Shaun, something about his life came up. Things were cut and dry when he talked to Brice. That guy was all business. But then again Brice probably would’ve shot down his request to use the chopper. So it was a tradeoff.
“I take it you heard that I’ll be leaving for Tabiq in a few days,” Connor said.
“Yes I did. I also heard that your sister is expecting a baby. Why don’t you take a few days off and go see her before you leave?”
“You think I’ll be gone that long?” Connor asked. Bennett hadn’t given him any real details. Only said he could use him in Tabiq, and that was enough for him.
“Actually I have no idea why he even asked you to go. Things right now are quiet there. And when they are not, he has his team there. But since the Hendersons have a large presence there, it does make sense for you to be familiar with that location as well.”
It was really the only one that piqued his interest lately. There was no logical reason as to why the Hendersons would want to build a resort in a place like that. Guess I’m going to find out.
“Bennett didn’t mention anything about me taking time off before flying to Tabiq,” Connor said.