Page 17 of Ten Broken Promises
“I didn’t call just to talk about the videos,” he said.
“Why did you call then?” she asked.
Once again she was left waiting for his answer. When he spoke, she was not sure if she should believe his answer. “I am not sure why. Maybe I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding from the other day. There are a lot of rumors going around. I am trying to put an end to them. Not just for myself, but for the young lady who had the baby as well. Right now people think I am the father.”
“That’s right. You clearly said before that you don’t like children,” she snapped.
“I don’t believe I said I don’t like them. I just don’t want any. I’m single and they have no place in my lifestyle.”
Well that was frank enough. She should give him credit for knowing what he wanted and what he didn’t. More people should do that before leaping into having children and then deciding after-the-fact it wasn’t for them. And then people like me who would love nothing more than to be a mother and cannot have any children.
“I think the best thing you can do is to ignore all the gossip. It will eventually go away. The one thing about social media, is there is always something more exciting just waiting to be talked about. No one cares if it’s true or not. Just as long as it’s interesting.” And you’re not all that interesting!
“You’re very naïve to believe it will go away that quickly. And this is not just about me and it’s not just about you. There is a family out there that might not want to be in the spotlight.”
“That’s…very kind of you. But how do you know what they want? Have you spoken to them?” she asked.
“No. I haven’t had any luck learning who they are. I’m thinking that I might need to go to the hospital and…”
“They won’t give you any information.” She couldn’t believe she was about to suggest this, but if he was right, and the family really was caught up in all this drama, she might as well help him stop it. “I could go with you. With my credentials, I may have better luck than you. But I’ll need you to bring a copy of the video with you.”
“Why?” he asked.
“Because I’m not really her doctor. But since I delivered the baby, I might be lucky enough to use that as some leverage to obtain some useful information. What do you say? Feel like a road trip tomorrow?” she asked.
“No babies to deliver?” he asked.
“No one is even pregnant right now. Small town. You wouldn’t understand being from Boston,” she stated.
“I’m not from here. Just working here. But you’re right. I’m not a small town type of guy either,” he replied.
She was compiling a list of all the things he didn’t like. Children. Small towns. Social media. Maybe on the drive to New York, she’d learn something he did like. If there was anything to learn.
“What time would you like to leave?” she asked.
“I have to make arrangements, but I can have a chopper pick you up and bring you here. It’d be easier that way,” he said.
“Chopper? Like a…helicopter?”
“Yes. Is there a problem with that?” he asked.
Besides the fact I’m scared to death of them?
She needed to push past that. This wasn’t about her or him as he’d said. They had to get to New York and fix this. Then she could come back to Montpelier and hopefully not leave again for a very long time.
“Just text me the information, and I’ll be there.” Not necessarily ready, but she’d board the helicopter. What I’ll do for a patient.
“Have a good night. I’ll send you the itinerary shortly,” he said.
Krista ended the call, and really wished she hadn’t answered in the first place. He might be trying to help, but she had a feeling the two of them going to New York together might actually cause more problems then they could fix. She really hoped she was wrong.
Guess we’ll find out tomorrow.