Page 9 of Fourteen Delicious Kisses
“Exactly. Lucky that he didn’t kill you. You’re not just anyone.”
“Ah, so you consider me…special,” he joked.
“This is not funny. You’re the brother of the man who is going to marry the president. They could use you to…manipulate her.” I was being cautious with my wording, because I wasn’t sure how much he might already know about Tabiq.
“Kyleigh, I have been traveling back and forth from the resort for the past two months. Why would anyone decide now to do something?” he asked.
“I don’t know, but maybe if you go to the police, they can find out who is behind this,” I suggested.
“You’re making this out to be a lot bigger than it is. If I thought my brother was in any danger, I’d already have gone to the police,” he explained.
“But you didn’t want your brother to know anything about it,” I reminded him.
“Oh, that has nothing to do with some unrealistic threat. I just don’t want to hear a lecture. From anyone,” he stated.
“Is that directed at me?”
He laughed. “Subtlety isn’t my strong point.”
“I get it. I’m butting in where it isn’t wanted. That doesn’t mean it isn’t warranted.”
I heard someone coming down the hallway and I was about to get caught on my phone. “I’ve got to go,” I whispered.
He said, “I’ll meet you at six.”
It was too late to add anything because I needed to end the call and hide my phone. It was Finn again. Damn it. Did he hear me?
I scrambled to shove the phone into my pocket and appear casual and focused. “Oh, Dr. O’Connor, did you need something?”
“I was just making one last round before I left for the evening. How is everything with your patients?”
“No changes. Were you able to find another nurse to cover the night shift?” I asked.
He nodded. “I would like to see you in my office tomorrow. We discussed training opportunities before, and I’m hoping you will be able to give me your answer then.”
“Please ring my unit whenever you would like me to come down. Have a good night, Dr. O’Connor.”
“You, too. It’s just about time for you to be heading out yourself,” he said, continuing on his way.
According to the clock, my replacement would be arriving shortly. I had just enough time to check each patient one last time and make sure they had everything they needed. Being so busy was good. It left no time to worry about tonight.
On my way home an hour later, I realized I hadn’t come up with a good excuse for my parents as to where I’d be rushing off to. If I had planned better, I could have brought a change of clothes, showered at work, and left to meet Liam from there.
I’d better think quick, because I know Mother is going to ask.
Sure enough, the moment I entered the house, she said, “You’re home early tonight.”
“Actually, this is my normal time. They had someone else to cover the night shift.”
“Good. You can have dinner with us.”
“I wish I could, but I have plans already. Sorry,” I said, and I rushed to my room and shut the door. Quickly I showered and changed into my only pair of jeans that have faded over the years. It’s not that we don’t wear pants in Tabiq, but real blue jeans were hard to come by, at least women’s jeans. Since the Hendersons have come and built New Hope, a five-star resort, a lot of things were changing. For me, I thought it was all for the better. My parents still weren’t so sure. But the fact that we have a woman as president, in a country where women were used and treated as property, I knew we have come a long way.
A chill ran through me, thinking about the hell the women before me had suffered. Human trafficking was horrible, but when it was done by the hands of your own corrupt government, it was even worse.
I shook off the thoughts, because they were going to put me in a bad headspace for my date. Heck, I can’t even believe I’m going on a date. I’m twenty-five and hardly ever dated before, and definitely not a person from another county. I was already nervous enough; I didn’t need to add any more to my stress level.
After one last look in the mirror, I headed back downstairs.