Page 55 of Fourteen Delicious Kisses
“Is that how it goes? Because if so, maybe I should keep my suggestions to myself,” I chuckled, but I wasn’t really joking. I respected President Florraz, but she surrounded herself with some brilliant people. She didn’t need me to give her ideas.
Liam reached over and held my hand. “Don’t you dare hold back your suggestions. You’re passionate about your homeland. You should be equally passionate about your ideas.”
I wanted to pull my hand away but couldn’t. His touch made me feel alive. He must have sensed it because he moved his hand slightly, just enough to entangle his fingers with mine, and didn’t let go.
“Why don’t you two go and sit in the living room and Shaun and I can clear the table,” Morgan suggested.
“I’d be happy to help,” I said, standing up.
“And I’d be happy if you two gave us a few minutes alone in the kitchen,” Shaun said. “I haven’t seen my wife all day.”
And conveniently Liam and I will also be alone.
I was learning that Americans were smooth with their manipulations to get what they wanted. In Tabiq, we weren’t so subtle.
“Guess that’s our cue,” Liam said. We got up and went to sit on the couch. “Not sure how long we have, but maybe this is a good time for us to talk. Better yet, I apologize and explain myself.”
“First of all, I’m so sorry about this morning. I got so caught up in the moment thinking about you coming with me to Ireland that I wasn’t thinking clearly about anything else. Suggesting that I speak to Finn on your behalf was wrong. I’m sorry.”
“The problem is it’s not the first time you’ve done it. That’s what upset me. How am I ever going to know if your brother sent me here to study because he believes in me, or because you asked him to?” I questioned.
“Oh, God, Kyleigh. I never even thought of that. Finn had no clue I was interested in you until you were already leaving. His offer is all based on your qualifications.”
That was good to know. “I’m glad. I work hard at that hospital to earn his respect. I wouldn’t have wanted to think I’d lost it.”
“You don’t have to worry about that. And if he lost respect for anyone, it was me. He gave me strict instructions and I ignored them.”
“Why?” I asked.
He reached up and brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. “Because one look into your beautiful eyes and I was lost.”
I knew he was going to kiss me. I could back away, tell him no. Instead, I found myself leaning towards him.
His lips were gentle as he kissed me tenderly. When our embrace ended, he said, “Please don’t ask me to stay away from you. It’s like asking me to stop breathing. And as a nurse, you know how important oxygen is.”
I smiled up at him and said, “I don’t know. I seem to have the opposite issue. When you kiss me, you take my breath away.”
“Then let me give it back to you,” he said, claiming my lips again, and I felt the return of the passion we’d shared before.
The kiss ended way too quickly, but I understood why. We weren’t in his hotel room and I was sure Shaun and Morgan hadn’t left us alone so we could have sex on their couch.
Softly I said, “Is there still room for me in your bed tonight?” I couldn’t believe how bold I had been to even ask, but we didn’t have much more time together. We had to make each night count.
“If not, I know another spot that you fit perfectly on.” He smiled and added, “Me.”
I could feel my cheeks warm as Morgan entered the room carrying the game. “Look what I’ve got,” she said in a singsong voice.
Liam shook his head and looked at Shaun. “I’m not playing unless you are.”
“Trust me, I just spent five minutes trying to talk her out of this, and failed,” he replied. “And I have other bad news.”
“What’s that?” Liam asked.
“Morgan said it’s guys against girls. We might as well concede now,” Shaun said, taking a seat.
Morgan laughed. “Not a chance. Kyleigh and I are going to enjoy beating you guys, fair and square.”