Page 48 of Fourteen Delicious Kisses
“I forget that you’re going to be related to my president,” I said.
“I try not to look at her like the president, and more like family,” he replied. “Maybe we can all have dinner together when your course is finished.”
I didn’t want to think about it. But since he brought it up, I might as well get it out of the way. “Liam, the wedding will be over by the time I get back. I know we haven’t talked about how long you’re going to be in the United States with me, but I know it won’t be the entire time.” I tried very hard to hide my feelings. I didn’t want him to know how sad that realization made me.
“I thought you had only one week of training,” he said.
“That is the first course, but I have another right after, and it will last a little longer than this one. By the time it’s over, you’ll have returned to Ireland.”
I could see he was processing this new development and wasn’t thrilled with the news. “I don’t know why my brother didn’t tell me that.”
“I’m still surprised he told you anything about what I’m doing here. But I’m glad he did. We might not have a lot of time together, but at least we’ve got this week.”
He pulled me closer. “A week is not enough, and really, with your course during the day, we don’t really have that, either. Maybe you would consider coming to Ireland after your course is complete,” he suggested.
When he described his country, it sounded amazing. Or at least his hometown did. Rolling green hills, farms, and small local restaurants. “I would love to come see you, but Liam, it’s…not practical. When I finish my studies here, I must return to work. I’ll have been gone too long already. The hospital needs me.” And I need it to support my family.
“Kyleigh, I can talk to my brother, I’m sure he’ll grant you some time off,” he said.
I don’t know what it was about that comment, but my blood boiled. “I don’t need anyone to speak for me. If I wanted time off, I’d ask for it.”
“I didn’t mean to…”
“What were you going to do next? Offer to give me money while I wasn’t working?” I asked bitterly.
“Kyleigh, that’s not what I meant. I was just offering to…”
“Do what you’ve done so far, control this…whatever it is.” I would’ve liked to use the word relationship, but I couldn’t. We’ve done a lot of talking but this just proves how little I know about him. He’s using his power to gain what he wants. What about what I want?
I got off the bed and started to get dressed.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I have class. And after that, I’m going back to Morgan and Shaun’s.”
I needed space to think, to cool off. Even the timing of this couldn’t be worse. How was I going to concentrate on what the instructor was saying when all I could hear was my heart pounding in my ears?
“Maybe we can talk about this tonight when you come back,” he said.
“I’ve got studying to do,” I stated.
He got off the bed and dressed. “I’ll bring you to your class.”
“I know how to use public transportation.”
“Please, Kyleigh. Don’t shut me out. Let me explain what I meant,” he begged.
I didn’t want to hear excuses. Liam had no idea what it was like for us in Tabiq. Women had lost all rights and men in power controlled everything. He might not have meant to be controlling, but that’s how his behavior was coming across.
I met his gaze and said, “It doesn’t matter. The fact is that you and I are from two different worlds. We don’t fit together. Trying to manipulate things so it feels like we do isn’t fair to either of us. I’m glad you came to see me. I enjoyed our time together, but this is all we have. And if you can’t respect that, then I…I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”
I could feel the walls creeping back up. I was doing it intentionally. I was afraid of what it would be like not seeing him again. I didn’t want to become any more emotionally invested than I already was. I was going to get hurt.
Hell, I’m hurting now.
“Kyleigh, please, don’t do this. I was only trying to find a way for us to spend more time together,” he tried explaining.
“And for me, it felt like…you control everything and I’m at your mercy. I don’t like that feeling,” I choked. “I just want…to be…alone.” What I really wanted to say was “accepted as an equal. So much for our conversation about our careers and how much they mean to us. It’s just so easy for you to mess with mine because I have a boss, and you are your own boss.” I guess I have to feel like an equal before I can ask to be treated as one.