Page 36 of Fourteen Delicious Kisses
It had taken a lot of effort to get Kyleigh’s itinerary out of Finn, but when he realized I wasn’t going to give up, he relented. I was looking forward to tonight. She knew she was meeting someone from Ireland to discuss her native culture, but hopefully she wouldn’t be angry to learn that I had hijacked the time slot and rescheduled her real meeting for tomorrow. My intentions were good. I was trying to romance her, show her that I care. Let’s see if my execution works.
This could go either way.
I left my hotel room and went down to the waiting limousine. I held an international driver’s permit, but Boston streets were busy and parking was hell. I didn’t want to risk ruining the mood by inviting a traffic collision.
The limo driver already had Shaun’s address. I found myself surprised when we left the city and ventured into a quiet residential neighborhood. This wasn’t what I thought of whenever I spoke to a Henderson. They all struck me as city-center, penthouse types. Guess I’m wrong again.
The driver pulled up to a single-family home with a white fence out front and bicycles in the driveway. “Are you sure this is the right place?” I asked.
“Yes, sir. I have been here several times to pick up Mr. Henderson when he needs to come into the city.”
“Okay. I’m not sure how long this will take,” I said.
“I will be here when you’re ready.”
I got out and headed to the front door. When I knocked, a woman answered and said, “Hi, I’m Morgan. And I can tell right away that you’re Liam. You look like a younger version of Finn.”
I hated it when people said that. He wasn’t anything special to look at. I won’t tell Reesa that.
“It’s nice to meet you. Is Shaun here?” I asked.
“No. He had to go into the city for a meeting. Come in. I’ll let Kyleigh know that her…visitor has arrived,” she said with a wink.
Kyleigh still doesn’t know? Nice.
I waited in the living room while she went to deliver the news. I should sit, but somehow, I was nervous, and that was an unusual feeling for me.
When she entered the living room and saw me standing there, her facial expression said it all. She was surprised, but not angry.
“What are you doing here, Liam?” she asked.
“I’m here to see you,” I replied.
She crossed her arms. “I could’ve figured that out myself. Maybe I should have phrased it differently. What are you doing here right now?”
Smiling, I said, “Looking at the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Kyleigh rolled her eyes, but I saw her cheeks turn a slight pink. “Liam, I don’t have time to play these games. I have a meeting with someone from Ireland. Your brother set it up.”
“I’m from Ireland.” I couldn’t help but notice her smirk. You’re happy to see me. Just admit it.
“So you are. But I don’t think you’re here to interview me regarding my culture, are you?” she asked.
“I do have questions. First off the list is, will you come with me?”
“Liam, I mean it. I’m supposed to meet someone today. And I know it’s not you,” she stated.
“That meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow. It appears that you’re free.”
“How do you know about the meeting?” She asked.
“I have family connections,” I winked.
“Dr. O’Connor knows you changed my meeting?” She looked at me doubtfully.