Page 11 of Fourteen Delicious Kisses
Kyleigh had chosen a nice spot on the beach – the sea ahead, the sand below, and grassy dunes and trees behind. A good spot to be alone.
But that is exactly what I was. Alone. Had she changed her mind? She should’ve been here ten minutes ago.
Our last conversation hadn’t gone as I’d expected. Did I respect and appreciate her concern for me? Yes. Was it necessary? No. What happened yesterday could’ve happened in any country. Hell, I’d heard of much worse in Ireland. Carjacking wasn’t new – it had just never happened to me before. I didn’t for a minute think it was personal, just bad timing on my part.
The minutes dragged as I kicked at stones and washed-up shells. I pulled out my phone and called Kyleigh.
“Hi. Are you still coming?” I asked.
“I’m here, waiting for you,” she replied.
I looked around, but she was nowhere in sight. “Unless you’ve disguised yourself as a tree or a bush, I don’t see you.”
I heard her chuckle. “Not even close. Okay. Obviously, we are at different places. Where are you exactly?”
“I followed your directions exactly.”
There was a pause on the other end, and then she said, “Oh, shoot. I had you take the third turn down to the beach, and I’m on the fourth. Wait there, I’ll come to you.”
Although I had the more secluded spot, I didn’t want her out here alone any longer than needed. I was already regretting letting her pick a place where anything could happen and no one would ever notice. Great for a romantic hideaway, but dangerous for a woman alone. “Or I can come to you,” I offered.
“Well, I have a better view of the ocean, but you’re more…secluded. Which would you prefer?” she asked.
That was tough. Both appealed to me, but right now, all I wanted was to gaze into her beautiful eyes.
“I’ll come to you,” I decided. The sun hovered low over the sea, and I looked forward to sharing a glorious sunset with Kyleigh. Nature’s get-in-the-mood setting. Works for me.
I got the impression that Tabiqian women were a lot more reserved than I was used to. I would need to take things slow with Kyleigh. Hell, even slow might be too fast. I was still shocked she agreed to meet me. There’s something special about you, Kyleigh. I’m going to enjoy finding out what it is.
I headed back to my SUV after scooping up the picnic blanket and basket. I drove further down, found the fourth turn, and pulled right onto the beach where I found Kyleigh standing, looking out at the ocean. Even her silhouette was marvelous. But we hadn’t made these plans so I could watch her from a distance. I wanted to talk to her, get to know her, and so much more.
But there was this little annoying voice in the back of my mind. It was Finn’s. He had given me strict instructions to stay away from Tabiqian women. Funny, because he’s marrying one.
He refused to explain why I should keep my distance, and I had been okay following his orders. Until now. Sorry brother, but what you don’t know won’t hurt you.
I got out of the vehicle and shut my door. Kyleigh heard the slam, waved, and left the sand to meet me. I walked around to the passenger’s seat and grabbed all the fixings for our romantic picnic.
“Hi, there. Now I can see you,” she smiled.
I looked her over from head to toe appreciatively. “You don’t look anything like a bush,” I joked.
I saw her cheeks turn pink, but her tone was playful. “I don’t know. With this wind, my hair might just end up looking like a tangled thicket.”
I reached out and moved the hair from in front of her face. It was silky soft as it slipped through my fingers. “That would be a shame. You have beautiful hair.”
“Enjoy it now, because it won’t last long,” she said. Then she reached out and said, “Let me help you carry some of that.”
I handed her the blanket and we headed closer to the water. Kyleigh spread it out on the sand and we settled in. Pulling out two champagne glasses, I asked, “Can I offer you something to drink?”
She nodded. “But only a little. I’m not much of a drinker.”
I popped the cork on the bottle and poured us each a glass. When she took a sip, her nose wrinkled, and she made a face.
“You don’t like it?” I laughed.