Page 62 of Thirteen Wishes
“You said was, not is?” she said.
“While you were out of the country, we eliminated the threat. Your security team has been updated, but also replaced with my men for now,” he said. “They can’t be bought or threatened to do anything corrupt.”
“I haven’t been gone long. You were able to pull all that off in just forty-eight hours?” She looked at me and asked, “Did you know about this?”
Shit!I couldn’t lie.
“I was aware of some things. Bennett believed the lesser I knew the better.” She accepted that answer.
“Bennett I see that you don’t want to give me all the details. Is there a reason for that?” she asked.
“Although you’re the president, we have promised that our informant stays anonymous. As far as actions taken, it was a tactical assault and the men have been brought to justice. There were three fatalities. No one was injured on my team.”
“That’s good, but still, people were killed over this?” she asked looking shocked.
“One was killed in a high-speed chase. His car went off the road and hit a tree. Another when we were exchanging fire,” he said.
“And the third?” I asked.
“He was killed in an explosion.”
“A what?” she asked.
“He was a part of your security team. I can only assume that he had learned you were returning. When setting the explosives in your house, he must have accidently set one off. Your entire house has been destroyed,” Bennett stated.
“My home is gone?” she asked. He nodded. “He was going to…kill me?”
“I would assume that was the plan. We were approaching to apprehend him when the explosion happened. So even if he hadn’t tripped the line, he wasn’t getting away. The difference is we would’ve secured your home and disarmed the bomb if given that opportunity,” Bennett stated. “We have already made arrangements for you to have a private suite here at the resort until you can make arrangements for a more permanent place.”
“Thank you. I guess my head is spinning. I’m not sure if I’m totally safe now or not. It’s not really clear,” she said.
“There is no such thing as totally safe. All I can confirm is that the current threat is no longer an issue. You’re a person who no matter what, will have a target on their back. It comes with the title. Not just here in Tabiq. Back in the U.S. the president has a vast security team monitoring him and his surroundings at all times. Anyone who takes office, is aware of what they are giving up. Their freedom,” Bennett explained.
She turned to me and asked, “What do you think?”
“About what he’s done?” I asked. She nodded. “I think he’s done what needed to be done. And because of it, you’re safer today than you were a few days ago.”
Reesa got up. “I know I’m going to have more questions later, but for now, I think I just want to go lie down. My head is spinning. Even though I suspected someone watching me, part of me never believed it was true. Now I know it was.”
I got up and said, “Let me walk you to your room.”
She raised her hand. “Thank you, but right now, I just want to be alone. I have a lot to think about.”
I know she needed my shoulder to cry on, but I would respect her request. She had my number when she was ready. All I could do was stand there and watch her leave Bennett’s suite.
Once she was gone, I turned to Bennett and asked, “How much does Jasper know?”
“Excuse me?”
“No way in hell did he drag his sister to the U.S. for forty-eight hours. I know sometimes a person gets lucky. I have a feeling there’s a lot more to it than that.”
“His wife Alissa used to work for me,” Bennett provided as his only response.
“I don’t think she was your secretary.” It wasn’t a question.
Bennett nodded but wasn’t forthcoming with any further information. That was between him and his team. How he pulled it all off, shouldn’t matter. I was glad for now, she was safe.
“Your secret is safe with me.” I walked over and extended my hand. “Thank you for everything you did. I couldn’t imagine life without her in it. Tabiq needs people like her.” I need someone like her.