Page 5 of Thirteen Wishes
I didn’t need to look at her to know she wasn’t from around anywhere in Ireland. She spoke with an accent I couldn’t pinpoint, and I considered myself well-traveled. Although I had wanted to be alone, my interest was piqued.
I turned to face her and found myself captivated by her dark hair and the warmth of her smile. I looked around to see if anyone had accompanied this beauty, because this isn’t a place a woman should enter alone. O’Malley, the pub owner did his best to make sure things didn’t get out of hand, but as the night went on, and people got drunk, it wasn’t unheard for a fight or two to break out. I wasn’t a controlling person, but I sure as hell wouldn’t allow her into a place like this by herself. Especially with her being a foreigner.
For her own safety, I said, “It’s all yours. May I buy you a drink?”
She sat down and said, “Thank you. I’ll have a cup of tea, please.”
I chuckled. “I’m not sure O’Malley knows how to make tea. How about a beer?”
She wrinkled that cute nose of hers but nodded. “Maybe something light.”
“O’Malley, give this lady a blondie.”
He handed her a 20 ounce and she said, “I was looking for a small.”
“O’Malley doesn’t do small.” She took a sip and I asked, “What brings you to Ireland?”
“I’m looking for a doctor. A surgeon, to be more specific,” she said.
She didn’t look sick, but without an examination, I couldn’t really tell. “If you’re looking for the hospital, it’s a few blocks down the road.”
“Thank you, but Logan is meeting with someone now,” she stated.
“Is he the one who is ill?”
“No. Neither of us are. I’m looking to hire one.”
I cocked a brow and asked, “Are you sure this is your first beer? Because you’re not making much sense. You either need a doctor or you don’t,” I said, knowing that my tone sounded a bit irritated.
She smiled sweetly. “I’ve barely sipped this one and I know exactly what I am looking for. I’m just not sure Logan and I are on the same page.”
I should finish my beer and stop asking questions. When O’Malley gave me the eye for another beer, I nodded.
“What type of doctor do you need? A specialist of some sort?”
“In a way, yes. I need the doctor to be a surgeon, but also possess something you can’t learn from a textbook,” she said.
There were plenty of things I’d learned over the years that med school hadn’t prepared me for. How to process the loss of patients, and how to let the job burn you out were only two of them. Even now I found myself frustrated and trying to learn how to accept, adapt, and move on.
“I guess the first thing to know is this: doctors are people, too. They have their good days and their bad ones. You want to find a doctor who can separate the two when they’re on the clock,” I said.
“And they must have a heart. One that can see past the monetary aspect of their job.”
I took it as a personal insult. But she didn’t even know I was a physician. I downed my beer, pushed the glass away and took a large gulp of the next one.
“Not every doctor is in it for money. In fact, most have the patient in their mind above all else. They work long hours and sacrifice time with their own families to care for the loved ones of others,” I stated honestly. Although I didn’t have a spouse or children, many of my colleagues did. They missed many birthdays, holidays, and school events.
“You’re correct, and I must keep that in mind with my search. So far, I’ve only been thinking about my own needs, and not taking into consideration what the physician might be giving up in order to help me as well.” She raised her glass and said, “Thank you for your help, Mr…?”
“O’Connor. And I’m not sure what help I was, but I’m glad you think so.”
“I’m Reesa Florraz. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. I should probably get going. I wouldn’t want Logan to worry about me,” she said.
“Good luck in your search, Ms. Florraz.”
I watched in the mirror over the bar as she headed towards the door. Part of me wanted to get up and offer to escort her to her hotel. But she wasn’t here alone. Whoever this Logan guy was should have made sure he was looking out for her.
Oh, fuck!