Page 3 of Thirteen Wishes
In a serious tone Jasper replied, “No, my dear sister. That is where you belong, not me.”
“Can’t blame me for trying. I miss having you close by.” We had to hide the fact we were siblings for so long for safety reasons. But that threat is no more and now he’s gone.
“We will see each other again. It’s just that Alissa doesn’t want to travel while she is pregnant.”
If he knew about Logan leaving Tabiq and no longer acting as head of the hospital, Jasper wouldn’t want his wife delivering their child in Tabiq either. For now, even though I hated us being apart, their staying in the United States was the best decision. No matter how much I need you here, this isn’t the place for your wife and family. “I’ll hold you to that because I am going to want to see my nephew or niece before they are talking,” I teased.
“I’d better get going. It’s morning over here and I need to get ready for work. Reesa, call me if you need to talk. I’m always here for you,” he said.
“And I’m here for you, too. I love you, Jasper.”
“I love you too, Reesa.”
I placed my phone on the end table beside the couch. My house was quiet and, I now realized, lonely. With no one to keep me company, there was no reason I couldn’t get some work done myself.
Getting up, I grabbed my laptop and started searching for surgeons. Logan said he would help, but that didn’t mean I would abandon my own search.
I’m the president of a country. There is no reason why I shouldn’t be able to do this on my own.
I sighed as I continued my search. Whoever we found was only going to be a temporary fix. Somehow I needed to find a permanent resolution for the chief of staff at the hospital. Someone who loved this country, the people, as much as I did.
I just wish there was a qualified Tabiqian.