Page 22 of Thirteen Wishes
Chapter 8
“How did you like your breakfast?” I asked Reesa. She had said she was hungry when I arrived at her hotel, but now that the food had arrived, she was barely picking at it.
She raised her eyes from her still full plate and said, “It’s fine.”
“You don’t seem to be enjoying it.”
She looked back at her plate, then laid her fork down. “I’m sorry. I guess I just have a lot on my mind. Maybe we should talk first, then eat.”
“Then let’s talk. What has you so…stressed?” I asked. Is it that same thing that haunted my dreams last night? Because I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you in my arms.
“I know Logan spoke to you about the job. He said you hadn’t decided if you were going to take it. Why? Is it because it’s not enough money?” she asked.
“Money isn’t what drives me. I have to think about leaving my country for an indefinite amount of time. What you’re asking for is not a year or two contract. You’re asking someone to move there for good.” And I’m not sure I can do that.
“Maybe Logan didn’t explain it correctly. Yes, the position will require you to relocate to Tabiq. It would become your primary residence, but you will be able to travel back here when you wish to. All that is asked of you is to ensure the hospital is fully staffed and capable of handling medical emergencies,” she explained.
Logan had presented it differently. Was he hoping I would decline the offer?I had a sneaking suspicion he didn’t want me in Tabiq.Maybe he’s not ready to leave after all.
“It is difficult to make a decision without ever traveling there. Would you be open to my spending a week in Tabiq before I give you my answer?” I asked.
“Of course!” Reesa said with a look of relief. “I do not know why I didn’t think of that. But there is something I need to tell you,” she said.
“I’m listening.”
“No one there knows that Logan is leaving.”
That made sense to me. In my profession it was common for people to leave positions and only give senior management the advance notice. It was more difficult if you were in private practice because you’d need to notify all your patients so they could obtain copies of their medical records and find a new physician. But when you work for a hospital doing emergency surgeries, that is different. Your only concern is getting that patient stable enough for their regular doctor to take over.
But I sensed she was asking for my discretion which I had no problem giving. It was a professional courtesy extended to a fellow surgeon, one that I respected very much. That didn’t mean I understood why someone like Logan Henderson required such secrecy.
“I will not mention it while I’m there,” I assured her. “I’d just like a tour of the hospital and to get a feel for the place. I’m sure there are some cultural differences that I will need to understand before I decide as well.”
“Some of our customs are very different from how you live here, but from what I’ve learned about you, I think you’d be able to accept and adapt to them. Now, about that hospital tour. I’m not sure how to do that without raising everyone’s suspicions. Just one look at you and everyone will be talking,” she said.
“Why is that?” I asked.
“No one in Tabiq has red hair or green eyes.”
I laughed. “I guess I could always dye my hair black.”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “No. I like it red.”
Really? Good to know.
“I was joking, because I think they would notice my pale Irish skin as well,” I added.
Reesa wrinkled her forehead then smiled. “Do you have tanning beds here?” she teased.
“Are these services included in my benefit package if I accept the job?” I joked.
She laughed. “That would require you traveling back to Ireland more often than we can afford. There aren’t any tanning beds in Tabiq. And we don’t color our hair. I believe they might have that service on the resort, but I’m not exactly sure. Guess we’d just have to learn to accept you the way you are.”
“Sorry I’m not tall, dark, and handsome,” I joked.
She eyed me and replied, “Nope. You’re just tall and…gorgeous. For the record, neither of those is why you were offered the position.”