Page 20 of Thirteen Wishes
But definitely stud material.
“I know that. I’m just not used to describing a man’s attributes,” I admitted.
“Maybe this is easier when I ask the questions and you just answer with the first thing that comes to mind.”
“A strange game, but okay,” I agreed.
“Are you attracted to him?”
“Yes.” I knew that the moment I sat next to him in the pub. The more we spoke, the more intense it became. Last night, the spark had turned into a flame.
“Does he make you laugh?” she asked.
“Yes.” There hadn’t been many reasons to laugh over the years, but Finn somehow made it easy. “It could just be because I’m away from Tabiq and things are more…relaxed here.”
“Or it’s him.”
I know it’s him.
“Are you finished with the questions?” I hoped.
“Just getting started. So you like him. You find him sexy. And…”
“I never said either of those things,” I stated firmly.
“Nope. But it’s true, even if you don’t want to admit it to yourself. Now, let’s see what else I can help you realize. How about that date? You said you went to dinner but mentioned dancing. How did that come about?” she inquired.
“I honestly don’t know. He brought me to this place that was…perfect. The seating was outside, and it was lit with candles and string lights everywhere. There is only one word to describe it. It was…romantic. I’ve never been on a date like that before.” And not sure I will ever again.
“I’m so happy for you, Reesa. You deserve some happiness in your life.”
“It was nice, and I won’t forget it. But tomorrow is back to reality.
“Reesa, you’re talking like it was a one-and-done. Why? You like him.”
“That doesn’t change anything. I plan on offering him the job,” I said.
“Excellent. If he takes it, then he’ll be in Tabiq with you, and you can see a lot more of him. Sounds perfect to me.”
“That’s because you’re not thinking about the fact that I’m president and I don’t have time for a personal life. And if he does take the job, he won’t have time for one either,” I reminded her.
“Even a president has to stop and eat and sleep.”
“We do. Under the watchful eye of Barry, the reporter. Can you imagine what he would write if he knew about my date yesterday? He’d have everyone thinking I am not fit to be president. That my heart isn’t focused on rebuilding the country, and instead, focused on myself,” I explained.
“That’s ridiculous. There is no reason you can’t do both. And if you have the right man by your side, then your relationship is an asset to the country, not a liability,” Alissa stated. “Just promise me one thing, Reesa. Don’t give up on this so quickly. It took almost a tragedy to open our eyes. Jasper and I were stubborn. And if I’m correct, that is a Florraz family trait.”
“I’m not stubborn. I’m…determined.”
“Determined to do it your way. In case you haven’t realized it yet, that makes you stubborn,” Alissa teased. “Don’t worry. The right person will love you anyway, just like I love Jasper. And who knows, maybe Finn is that right one for you.”
“One date. That’s all it was. You’re acting as though we spent a passionate night together or something. I am going to guess these outrageous thoughts are because of your pregnancy,” I said.
“Oh yes. That’s the other Florraz trait.”
“What is?” I asked.
“Afraid of admitting your feelings.”