Page 17 of Thirteen Wishes
She sighed. “Besides going to O’Malley’s?” I nodded. “Sadly, nothing. This isn’t a vacation, and Logan is not the sightseeing type. Or maybe he is, but only with his wife.”
“You mean you’ve spent the entire time in your hotel?” I asked, surprised.
“I’ve also gone to see you at the hospital, but once again, that’s not what I would call getting the feel of your country,” she said. “I only have one more full day here before we leave too.”
I couldn’t let her leave without truly experiencing the beauty of my country. Even if all we have is tonight, I’m going to give her memories that will make her smile when she thinks of Ireland. “Then I suggest we make the most of this time.”
“What do you have in mind?” she asked.
I stood up and extended my left hand to her. “Would you do me the honor of a dance?”
“I haven’t had much experience,” she responded.
“It’s easy. Just move with the music. I’ll show you,” I said. The band was playing a slow song and once she was in my arms, I could guide her movements. It was the easiest way to dance, but it would also be frustrating as hell to have her so close and not be able to take it further.
Reesa finally placed her hand in mine. We made our way through the crowded dance floor, I spun her around, then pulled her close. One hand held hers and I placed the other on the curve of her back, and we danced. She was tense at first, and even stepped on my toes a time or two. As she relaxed, Reesa leaned into me further and rested her head on my chest.
When she spoke, she came across as confident and strong, but now in my arms, she felt…delicate. I felt a protective urge and held her a little closer. I didn’t need Logan or anyone else to tell me to watch out for her. The need to do so rose from deep within me.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” I said softly.
She tensed briefly, stepped on my toe, then replied, “Not that I remember, but thank you.”
Someone as gorgeous as Reesa must hear it all the time, yet from her reaction she didn’t seem comfortable with it. Then again, she wasn’t like most women I meet, and I liked that. We continued our rhythmic dance, this time, I kept quiet, not wanting to break this connection.
There was a bright flash and we both looked in the direction that it came from. There was a photographer standing at the edges, taking pictures of the crowd. Reesa stopped dancing and pulled away from me.
“We should go sit. I’m…I’m sure they will be…bringing our food soon,” she stammered.
I had no idea what had caused such an abrupt change in her. It wasn’t as though the man had been focused on us - he was walking around capturing the entire group. I suspected he was hired by the band to get promotional shots.
Reesa’s body language said there was no way I could talk her out of going back to the table. So I nodded and followed her. I could feel that a wall had gone up between us, and it remained so the rest of the night. It didn’t stop her from talking, but she spoke with the focus and professional interest of the woman who had interviewed me yesterday when Logan was around, not as my date.
After dinner Reesa said, “Thank you for dinner. That was a wonderful surprise.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”
“Very much so,” she said. “I guess it’s time I get back to the hotel.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to take a drive and see more of this beautiful country?” I asked. The night was still early, and I knew the perfect place to watch the sunset.
Reesa shook her head. “It’s probably better that you bring me back to the hotel before it gets too late.”
“Because Logan will be waiting?” I voiced, wishing I hadn’t.
She shot me a look of surprise, then said, “I do not answer to Logan. He is a…friend of the family and he only wants to ensure things are going as they should.”
“Then why cut the evening short?” I asked.
“You invited me to dinner. We had dinner.”
“Yes, we did. But you seemed interested in seeing more of Ireland. What changed?” I prodded.
“You wouldn’t understand,” she said.
“Try me,” I replied. I wanted to know.
“I am supposed to be here on business, and when the man took pictures of us, I…froze. I cannot let my people think I’m not taking this seriously. Finding a replacement for Logan is all that is important,” she said.