Page 11 of Thirteen Wishes
I stood up and said, “It means I’m willing to hear what you have to say. If you’d like to leave your number, I’ll call you when I’m off duty and maybe we can meet for dinner.”
Logan pulled out his card and handed it to me. “We will only be in Ireland a few days, so call as soon as possible if you really want to discuss this further.”
Nodding, I looked back to Reesa, still sitting quietly with her hands folded in her lap. I wish I knew what she was thinking. She almost looked disappointed. Did she really believe I’d leap at the chance to move to a country I’ve never even heard of? Even after they explained things to me, I had no desire to leave Ireland. Without a family, I had the freedom to go anywhere, but this was still my home.
Damn it. Stop looking at me with those sad, beautiful eyes.
“You’ll hear from me tonight. I promise,” I said.
Reesa’s lips curled upward slightly and her brow relaxed. “Thank you,” she said softly.
I left them in the waiting room and headed back to the intensive care unit. On my way, I received another page on the overhead intercom system. I was being summoned to Murray’s office.
What now?!
I changed directions and strode toward his office. When I arrived, Dr. Snyder was sitting outside with a sour look on his face. I knew secrets were nearly impossible to keep with hospital gossip. Someone probably informed Snyder that went to Murray’s office yesterday to complain about him being MIA. I didn’t care. I don’t deal with childish drama and besides, Snyder was in the wrong.
“What are you doing here?” Snyder asked.
“Murray paged me.” He’d heard it over the intercom just as clearly as I had. He’s just trying to fuck with me. He might be a good surgeon, but as a man, he was an asshole. “What are you doing here?”
“I need to talk to Murray about something.”
No shit!
I didn’t care what it was. I had enough going on in my own life. I knocked on Murray’s door and he called me in.
“You might as well have Dr. Snyder join you,” he said before I closed the door.
I turned around and waved for him to come inside. We both took seats across from Murray.
I had no idea what this was about, but it felt like we were in grade school and had been called to the principal’s office. Whatever the reason, it sure in hell better not be a waste of my time. I’ve pretty much had my fill with Snyder.
Murray said, “Dr. Snyder said you had a meeting on hospital grounds that had nothing to do with a patient. Is that correct?”
How the fuck does he know?
That so-called meeting had only ended a few minutes before I was paged. Was Snyder watching me? Was this in retaliation? I couldn’t think of any other reason. Whatever it was, I was done with this. If Murray couldn’t see that Snyder was the problem, then I knew nothing I said or did was going to change anything here.
I was tempted to get up and walk out without even answering his question, but that would be unprofessional. That would be something Snyder would do.
“I was unaware that a meeting was going to take place. I was paged to the waiting area anticipating I would be meeting with a family member. However, I do not believe there is any such hospital policy against speaking with people on the property.”
Murray looked as though looking for more information to be brought forward. Snyder said, “It’s totally unprofessional to have a job interview, though.”
Once again, I was caught off guard. How could he have known what was discussed behind closed doors? Something wasn’t right about this. I was done playing Snyder’s little game. Glaring at him, I asked point blank, “Do you have an issue with me? Or maybe just too much free time on your hands. Because if you do, there are plenty of patients waiting to be seen.”
No longer did I care that we were in Murray’s office. Hell, Murray should be the one putting a stop to this, not me.
“This is not about me, it’s about you,” Snyder said.
I knew I was going to regret this, but I got up from my seat and turned to Murray. “When you have something important to discuss, like patient care, give me a call. Otherwise, this meeting is over.”
This time Snyder was the one who looked stunned as I walked out of the office. I wasn’t worried about being fired. Murray knows I’m a damn good surgeon. I’d always kept my personal life out of my work and I wasn’t about to change that now.
This isn’t over, Snyder. You’re pushing the wrong guy.
Snyder was used to getting his own way and liked being the center of attention, but I didn’t bend to anyone. I wasn’t a heart surgeon for glory or recognition. I wanted to improve the quality of life and to save lives. That’s all.