Page 59 of Mine for Twelve Weeks
“But Logan said I need to go to Boston.”
I hadn’t missed that part. Could the timing be any worse? No. Only seven weeks until the election. Even with Ocalla being permanently removed from the ballot, it was still up to the people – the election couldn’t be won by default. There was a very important phone call I needed to make once Alysa and I settled this.
“I mean it, Alysa. I’m not letting you go through this alone. I’m going with you to Boston. I’ll be there before your surgery and I’ll be there when you come out.” Leaning over, I kissed her gently and added, “And I’m going to be there when you take your first step again.”
That started the tears over again, but I knew this time was different.
Logan asked, “Does this mean I can call and make the arrangements?”
Alysa asked, “And you’re really sure you can do this?”
“I have a good friend, Jon Vinchi, who created a special surgical robot that…”
“Robot? No way!” she said.
Logan added, “It is used for the most delicate heart and brain surgeries. Don’t worry. It is a tool I use, but I’m the one in control.”
Still holding her hand, I looked down at her and said, “Alysa, I want you to do this, but it has to be your choice. It’s…your life, not mine.”
I knew she’s scared. Hell, I’m scared for her. I heard everything Logan said. There was no guarantee. Yet I believed him that this was her best option.
Alysa said, “Make the call. We’re going to Boston.”
I would like to say that a weight was lifted, but the total opposite happened. She had made her decision, and now I needed to go make mine. There was no way I could be here for an election and be in Boston with Alysa. This had to be settled before I boarded the jet.
Logan left the room, and I knew I had to be next. It was hard, but she was going to need to be alone for a short time. Thankfully, there was a knock on the door and Alex and Ziva entered.
Perfect timing.
“Alysa, it looks like you have more people who want to visit with you. So I’m going to take this opportunity to call Mikal and make a few arrangements.”
She gripped my hand hard and said, “Mikal. Oh, God. You can’t.”
“Leave or talk to Mikal?” I was confused by her strong opposition to either.
“When Ocalla was talking to me, he knew things that no one should know except for you. Like us being…intimate.”
“I sure as hell didn’t tell him,” I said firmly.
“I know that. Ocalla didn’t know anything about Reesa, but he knew all about us.”
“Alysa, he can’t hurt you anymore. Don’t worry about what he knew or didn’t,” I said. She had much more important things to focus on than worrying about what someone said about me.
Alysa shook her head. “You don’t understand. I did the math and only one person had been to your house during that time period. That person had to have placed a bug there. There is no other way Ocalla could know such private things about us,” she said.
Mikal had come by, but only once and at my request. I had blown off a few meetings prior to that and he had been very insistent that we keep this one. That bastard. I trusted him. He had access to so much information about my supporters that Ocalla would love to have. It made sense now that whenever I’d go to meet with my constituents, they didn’t show. You traitor to Tabiq.
“I think you’re right. It all makes sense now. And instead of calling Mikal, I think I’m going to pay Bennett Stone a visit. I’m not sure who else I can’t trust on my team,” I said. Alysa looked away and I added, “I mean besides you.” I thought that would’ve made her smile or at least look more relaxed, but if anything those words disturbed her. “Alysa, is there something wrong? Something you want to tell me?”
She turned and looked at me and then at her other two visitors. “I really appreciate you two coming by, but if you don’t mind, I need to speak to Jasper alone.”
Alex said, “Are you sure about this?”
She nodded, and now I really was concerned at what she had to tell me. Because it seemed as though Alex already knew.
When we were alone, I said, “What it is Alysa?”
She let go of my hand and took a deep breath, as though she was about to deliver one hell of a blow. I had no idea what she could say that would make me feel any different about her.