Page 39 of Mine for Twelve Weeks
“That was me.”
“Why didn’t you ask me for help? I’m just in the next room,” I said.
“Oh, probably because I didn’t want to be caught in an embarrassing situation.”
“Like this one?” I teased, trying to lighten the awkwardness between us.
“I don’t know. I’m beginning to think you’ve seen me with my clothes off more than some of my boyfriends.”
I hated the thought of other men looking at or touching her exquisite body. Inhaling her scent, my cock hardened. I was torturing myself. Think about the task at hand and not her sweet scent.
“Ow,” she cried out as I removed the remaining piece of tape.
“I’m sorry,” I said. I leaned over, kissing her right beside her stitches. She sucked in her breath and tensed. What the fuck am I doing? I stood up quickly and backed up. Not even looking her in the eyes, I said again, “I’m sorry. I…I had no right to do that.”
Alysa stepped closer to me and touched my forearm. “Jasper, I wasn’t complaining. It’s just…sensitive in that area.” I met her gaze and her sweet blue eyes were dark with hunger. “But maybe you should try kissing the other side better, too,” she said seductively.
Oh fuck. Was she just teasing me? That would not amuse me. Of course, if she wanted me to stop, I would, but damn, at this point it would hurt.
“Alysa, you’re supposed to be on bed rest,” I reminded her. I don’t think this was what Logan had in mind when he agreed to release her early.
She ran her hand up my arm and said, “Then take me to bed.”
I must be hallucinating.There was no way she was coming onto me. Not after what had gone down earlier. Or maybe she was sick with a fever again and she was delirious. Either way, I couldn’t do it. It wouldn’t be right. Alysa would never forgive me for taking advantage of her weakened state.
Reaching up, I grabbed her hands and pulled them away from me. “Alysa, we can’t. Not now.”
“You don’t want me?” she asked.
More than fucking oxygen itself.
“This isn’t about what I want. It’s what is best for you,” I said firmly. “You are not fully healed. Do you really want to end up back at the hospital?”
She shook her head. “But you didn’t answer me. Do you…want me?”
“Yes,” I replied, my voice husky with need. “That doesn’t mean I will act on it.”
Alysa lowered her eyes. “Jasper, please. I want to be with you before I leave.”
Before you leave?Does she know that I’m sending her away? How? Fuck you for telling her, James. “Leave?”
“I’m only here temporarily. More than a week has already gone by. Before you know it, the election will be over and I’ll be going home. I want to make the most of the time we have together,” she said.
“Alysa, a night, a week, a month, a year; none of it would be enough for me. The longer we are together, the more I want you. But you’re right, eventually, you need to go home. That’s why we shouldn’t start what we can’t finish.” Because if I make love to you tonight, guaranteed, you’ll hate me in the morning.
“Will you at least lie down with me and hold me while I sleep?” she asked.
“On one condition,” I said.
“Put some damn clothes on first.”
She giggled but agreed.
Alysa went into the bathroom and returned wearing a long t-shirt. Nothing sexy about it, but she looked sexy in it. This wouldn’t be easy, but we laid on the bed, me on my back as she snuggled up against me, and it felt…right. For the first time in a long time, I felt at peace.
If the only memory I had was holding her in my arms all night, I would not be sorry that I was sending her away. Better to say goodbye as she leaves for the US than goodbye at a gravesite.