Page 27 of Mine for Twelve Weeks
Chapter 11
Maybe it was the fact that I was in a real bed, not a hospital one, but I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept so soundly. When I first closed my eyes it was late morning, and now the sun was about to set.
Carmella had laid out some towels and clothes for me on the chair beside my bed. That wasn’t what a nurse was supposed to do, but right now I appreciated the kind gesture. I removed the white bandage and looked at the incision in the mirror. It was still swollen and the black stitches were beginning to itch. That was good. It was healing. I was glad Logan warned me about how large the cut had been. It was at least six inches long. If it hadn’t been for the rupture, I could’ve gotten away with three little holes and felt a hell of a lot better than I did now.
I showered quickly, and once I was dried off, I realized I didn’t see the clean gauze pads I’d need to bandage myself. I might be comfy dressed in a bra and panties, but it felt totally inappropriate to walk around that way in a practical stranger’s home. I cracked the door open slightly and called out, “Carmella.”
I heard Jasper’s voice respond immediately. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. I was looking for Carmella,” I said. Obviously.
When he appeared, I pulled the door close, leaving just a couple of inches so we could talk without him seeing me.
“She went home to feed her husband. Can I get something for you?” he asked.
“I was looking for my gauze pads. I took a shower and need to replace the dressing,” I said. “Do you know what I did with them?” I didn’t remember bringing anything in when we arrived. God, I hope I didn’t leave it at the hospital. It would be one thing if it was just gauze, but there was also a topical cream I’d been instructed to apply twice a day.
“Let me go and look in the SUV. It might be in the back,” he said. “I’ll be just a few minutes.”
Jasper had told me it was just him and Carmella at the house. While he was out searching the vehicle, I scurried off to the kitchen to grab a drink. Part of healing was keeping hydrated.
When I opened the door, I stopped dead in my tracks. Jasper wasn’t alone at all. There was a woman in the kitchen, standing with her back to me. That’s definitely not Carmella. Her long, dark hair and olive skin said she was native. Without making a sound, I slipped back out of the kitchen, padded towards my room, and shut the door.
This little excursion winded me, and I had to go and lie down. I hated being unable to take care of myself, and I hated to admit this proved I wasn’t really ready to be completely on my own. But I also didn’t want to be here intruding on his…love life.
It was funny that I had never thought about him having one. Why wouldn’t he? He was extremely handsome and, when he wanted to be, very charming. Hell, if it wasn’t for the fact that I was here under false pretenses, I might have been interested in him myself. Before I knew he was involved with someone.
Cheaters never appealed to me. One didn’t need to be married to be considered off-limits in my book. Even if this woman was just someone he was dating, that was enough for me.
Stop it, Alysa. You’re thinking about things that don’t matter.
I thought Jasper would’ve returned by now. Did the delay mean my bag wasn’t there? If that’s missing, I wonder what else I’ve misplaced. I had been ecstatic to learn I was being released from the hospital that I grabbed the little I had and tossed it in the bag of supplies that Logan had given me. Oh God. I hope I didn’t put that in there too. I’d have a lot of explaining to do if Jasper came across my earpiece.
I got up off the bed and walked over to where my slacks were from earlier. Slipping my hand into the right front pocket but came out empty handed. Please let it be there. I did the same to the left one, but this time was different. It was tiny, but my fingers knew the shape well. A sigh of relief left me as I pulled it out of the pocket. I didn’t expect Jasper to snap and attack me or anything, but if something did go wrong, this was the fastest mode of communication. And since I had no weapon on me either, I needed to rely solely on the team’s quick response.
For now, my earpiece It was still turned off. I had told Burke that I would wear it anytime I was going to be on the job, which would probably take a few days since I knew Jasper wouldn’t let me work until I got my strength back. Right now, I was strictly recuperating.
Maybe I should heal up back at New Hope and let Jasper and his lady friend have this place to themselves.
There was a knock on my door and before I even could say “Enter,” it opened. I was standing practically naked with my earpiece held tightly in my closed hand. If moving quickly didn’t hurt so much, I would’ve rushed for the sheet on the bed to cover up.
A flashback of wearing just a thong came flooding back to me. Oh God. My cheeks burned hot. At least I have a bra on this time.
But it wasn’t Jasper who came in. It was the dark-haired woman friend of his.
“Hello. I’m Reesa. Jasper said you needed this and might need my help to put it on.”
Was this better than if Jasper had come in?Only slightly. The woman before me was gorgeous. If I ever thought Jasper would give me a second look, seeing Reesa just set me straight. She had high cheek bones, naturally pouting lips, and curves a woman would kill to have.
I reached out and said, “I think I can manage.”
She didn’t hand it over. “Nonsense. Why struggle when I am right here? Besides, I was hoping we could talk. I mean ever since Jasper told me you were staying here while you recovered, I knew I had to come meet you.”
I bet you did. And you got to see more of me than I wanted. I’m no threat. Now you can go.
Reesa didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I turned to give her better lighting and access to my right side. Reesa dropped down onto her knees and opened the bag. First, she took out some antibacterial wipes and cleaned the wound. Then she opened the ointment and applied it. Finally, she took out the sterile gauze and covered the incision.