Page 11 of Mine for Twelve Weeks
Chapter 5
It was great knowing someone was always listening, because that meant I didn’t have to report anything Florraz said. But I did feel my world closing in a bit, since I would hardly be talking face to face with anyone except for the New Hope staff. If I didn’t need food and towels and linens, I might not see anyone except for Florraz. This is going to be one hell of a lonely twelve weeks.
I might not be a prisoner, but it was starting to feel like one. All I’d done since leaving his suite last night was sit in my room. Thankfully, I had a decent view from my window, but watching the guests enjoy themselves on the beach didn’t do anything to help my disposition.
I craved a mission with lots of action, and so far the only thing getting any was the rug beneath my feet as I paced the floor. Not sure how exciting tonight will be, but at least I’ll be getting out from within these four walls.
I had two assignments. Florraz wanted me to get chummy with Ziva Henderson, who was married to Alex, but not to get caught up speaking with Alex directly. Somehow, I was supposed to get Ziva to ask me to lunch. I’d never been never good at small talk. It would be so much easier if Burke could clue Ziva in on the plan and not make me work for it myself.
But like Florraz, Burke had a hell of a lot of rules. I was to tell no one I was here undercover on the Hendersons’ behalf. I was not even allowed to acknowledge that with the Hendersons themselves. At least Burke and I could speak, even if only through my earpiece, like now.
I spun around to check myself one last time in the mirror. This dress beat the heck out of the stuffy office attire I wore around Florraz, but wasn’t anywhere as comfortable as leggings and a t-shirt.
I ran a brush through my hair. Usually on missions, I didn’t get to wear it down or put on makeup. At least now I looked and smelled like a woman. Not that there’s anyone around who would actually care.
“Thanks for sending me something to wear this evening. When you said pack heavy, I thought you meant heavy weapons. Not dresses,” I said, running my hands over the light blue cotton dress that Burke had delivered to my room. The color brought out my eyes perfectly. It was something I’d have purchased for myself. “I appreciate Robin lending me some of her clothes, but we are not exactly the same…shape, if you know what I mean.”
I heard Burke choke back a chuckle through my earpiece. “Hadn’t noticed.”
Good answer.
Robin was curvier than I was. It didn’t matter in the hips, but this dress wasn’t doing anything for my boobs. I was B-C cup, where Robin was solidly in D territory. I was tempted to pad my bra to help fill it out a bit better. “Are you sure I can’t leave the resort to do some shopping for myself?” I asked, knowing darn well there was no time for a shopping adventure. I needed to be down in the lobby in a few minutes. Obviously, Burke didn’t realize I was joking.
“No. Since Florraz has forbidden you to associate with me or the Hendersons, you’re stuck on the resort. It’s not wise for a woman to leave the resort alone,” Burke said firmly.
“Burke, you do know I can handle myself, right?” I appreciated him having my back, but really, it was kind of an insult thinking I needed a babysitter.
“It’s policy at New Hope for a reason. Although things have gotten much better here in Tabiq, no guest, man or woman, leaves to sightsee or shop without being escorted by our security team.”
Burke had explained about the human trafficking that was Tabiq’s dark legacy, but he made it sound as though it wasn’t completely in the past. A sickening feeling rushed through me. Jasper, if I find out you are involved in anything like that, you’ll regret the day you ever met me.
“Burke, you don’t suspect Florraz is involved with any of that, do you?” I have no idea why I held my breath waiting for his response. The guy was attractive, sure, but he was also arrogant and bossy and insufferable. I knew he was hiding something, but I truly hoped it wasn’t human trafficking.
“If we knew that answer, you wouldn’t need to be here. He’d have been taken care of already,” Burke stated. “There’s no evidence yet either way, but we need to find out before the election. No way in hell can we allow him to win the election and take power if he’s a–”
“Piece of shit that should be removed from the planet,” I finished.
“Just find what we need and let us take it from there,” he ordered.
Damn it.I thought when I left the Corps, I’d be making all my own decisions. But here I am again, taking orders.
“Then I guess I’d better get down to the lobby and do what Florraz has directed me to do, too,” I said sarcastically.
“I wish I could figure out what he has to gain by having you get friendly with Ziva. She’s Tabiqian. You’d think he’d talk to her directly and use the loyalty to Tabiq card.”
“I know. It doesn’t make sense to me, either. It almost feels like a…test. As though he wants to see if I will really do just what he says and nothing more.” I wasn’t about to tell Burke that it was the look in Florraz’s eyes as he watched my reaction to his request. His eyes were always on me. It’s as though he’s trying to read me, which makes it more difficult when I am trying to do the same. “That’s what my gut is telling me.”
“Then do whatever he says, and I’ll be listening if things go wrong.”
I was glad he trusted my judgement. If there was even a slim chance Florraz was caught up in all that evil, I didn’t want anything to screw up our finding out. Without another word, I slipped my keycard into the pocket of my dress and left my room.
Let the games begin.
Although there wasn’t a bad room at the resort, I had one on the second floor right above the kitchen. Not only did the lovely aroma rising up to my open window make me continuously hungry, but my room was located near the staircase that staff seemed to use frequently. It provided the ability to move around without other guests seeing you.
Not that I was trying to avoid anyone, but stairs were a better option for me. Since I’ve arrived, I haven’t done a morning run or worked out to keep in shape. So instead of the elevator, I opted for the stairs. Not quite a cardio workout, but better than nothing at this point.