Page 42 of Tender Embrace (The Next Chapter)
“I’m glad you’re not chomping my head off today. What has you in a better mood?” Carson asked.
“Trisha is flying in tomorrow.” I can’t wait to see her. There was so much I wanted, no needed, to say. Hell, it should’ve already been said, but I was just too damn stupid at the time.
I’d never been afraid of taking a chance. My entire career was one risk after another. When it came to Trisha, there was too much to lose if I screwed it up. So by not acting, I came too close to accomplishing the exact opposite of what I was striving for.
“Do you have a big night planned for when she gets back? Maybe a romantic dinner or something?” Carson asked.
“I would, but I know she will be exhausted from travelling. Remember those jetlag days? They aren’t any fun,” I reminded him. It was another reason I went into retirement. Health wise, it wasn’t smart to keep functioning on that little sleep. Eventually, I’d make a mistake. Just didn’t want it to be one that would’ve cost me my life.
“That’s very…thoughtful of you. Or are you just unsure if she is as excited to see you?” he asked.
Our text messaging had increased. It wasn’t as impersonal as before. She even sent me a picture of her with her family. Was it wrong that I might have saved a copy, cropped them out and left only Trisha in the picture? Maybe. But I missed seeing those beautiful, warm, loving eyes of hers. Not that I’m unhappy with my life. I have everything I want. But until I met Trisha, I didn’t know I didn’t have everything that I needed. I need Trisha.
“If you’d have asked me that a week ago, I would’ve answered yes.”
“Has something changed?” he asked.
“I have,” I replied. “It’s not all about what someone might or might not feel. It’s about knowing one’s own self.”
“Mikal, that’s pretty philosophical. Sounded more like something Dottie would say,” he teased.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I replied. Changing the subject, I asked, “Did you get your anniversary trip all planned?”
He shook his head. “I am not sure it will ever be ‘all planned’. She keeps extending it. Before you know it, we’ll be gone for a year.”
“What’s wrong with that?” I asked. “When we were on the road, we would be gone months at a time. You owe it to Dottie, you know. She’s given up a lot for you, for me. If she wasn’t so supportive, I’d have needed to replace you as my manager.”
“If it is we, that owes her, then why is it only me that is stuck running around the world with her?” he questioned.
I laughed. “Who knows. Maybe we will cross paths in one of those countries.”
Carson cocked a brow. “Are you thinking about taking Trisha away too?”
I wish.
“I know I should’ve told you this, but I’m kind of coming out of retirement.”
“What the hell!?” he snapped, spilling some of his coffee. “I’m your manager. Why am I not involved in this?” he demanded to know.
“It’s not a paying gig. It’s all charity work,” explained.
Carson nodded. “I know you said you’d be doing some. But you make this sound like it was on a much larger scale.”
“It is. And I would appreciate it if you don’t tell anyone. Not even Dottie.” She is like telling the national news station.
“You have my word. So what are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m working with the military and will be traveling to different bases and performing for the troops. This will also include aircraft carriers and military hospitals and retirement homes. I don’t need the money, but I’m not ready for sitting on my ass and growing old either. I need to feel…useful.”
“Damn. I understand that feeling. I’m just working on the ‘honey-do-list’ every day. It sucks. But Mikal, what about Trisha? I thought you and her were…”
“I’m not going to be gone all the time like when I was working. I’m thinking of a trip once a month which means I’ll be gone for a week at a time. The schedule is still something we are working on. Also, there is a lot to plan because of where I will be going. They make all the arrangements. I just need to show up.”
“Have you told Trisha any of this?” he questioned.