Page 39 of Tender Embrace (The Next Chapter)
“Mom, since Kimberly is out, I was hoping that you and I could…talk. Why don’t we go sit on the couch,” Kevin suggested.
He had such a serious look on his face, that I was afraid of what he was about to tell me. I walked over and sat down. Then I patted for him to sit beside me. He paced for a moment before joining me.
“Mom, I don’t know how to tell you this.”
“Kevin, we’ve never had an issue speaking our minds before. Why now?” I asked.
“This is different. We are all different,” he said.
I reached out and grabbed hold of his hand. “Yes. You are about to become a father. And you’re going to do amazing. So will Kimberly.”
“Thanks. But I wanted to talk about…something else. You’ve been here for more than a week and…you don’t seem like yourself at all. I know the three-year anniversary of dad’s passing was a couple of months ago. Is that what is troubling you?” he asked.
Oh my goodness. This was the conversation I didn’t want to be having with him. “Of course it is still…difficult without him. He was my first love. I thought we’d grow old and spoil our grandchildren together. But we both know that’s not happening. Your father would’ve loved being here and watching you get the babies’ room ready. He’d want to help you paint and assemble all those cribs.”
“I know. He’s been on my mind a lot lately too. I’d like to think that he’s watching over me, especially when I’m on a mission.”
I could see that I wasn’t the only one still struggling with his loss. “I’m sure he is.”
“Mom, is that all that is going on? Because I see you looking at your phone as though you’re hoping that it rings,” he said.
Damn. When did you get so perceptive?
“I’m technically still working. Teachers reach out to me with questions about the upcoming school year.” That was true. I’ve answered several emails while I’ve been here. But it was Mikal that I was avoiding telling him about.
“That makes sense. But, Mom. You know if there is more than that going on, you can tell me. I’d want you to tell me,” he said.
If I didn’t speak up now, then I’d really feel guilty if he found out on his own later. “There is something. I…I started dating.” I held my breath and watched for his reaction. But he didn’t seem surprised.
“What’s his name?”
“Mikal Cross.”
“The Mikal Cross?” he asked.
“You know him?” I questioned, surprised.
“I have no idea. It’s probably a really popular name, but the first guy who came to mind is this world-famous illusionist. I brought Kimberly to see him when we were first dating.”
“World-famous.” I repeated.
“I’m sure he’s not the same guy,” Kevin stated.
“And you’d be wrong. Mikal said he was a magician, but I never looked into it any further.” Maybe I should’ve but I have a friend who seems more than okay filling me in with what I don’t know. I had to admit, that’s not necessarily always a good thing. I wanted to learn about Mikal, all on my own, not what some computer had to say.
“Wow, I can’t believe it. But let’s back up. I don’t want to talk about Mikal Cross the illusionist. I want to hear about him and you. Is he treating you good? Are you happy? Because you haven’t seemed totally happy since you arrived,” he said.
“He’s a perfect gentleman and treats me…like I deserve to be. I know I should’ve told you before, but I didn’t know how to. It’s only been three years since your dad passed away,” I sighed.
“Mom. Three years alone is a long time. It’s not like you are cheating on Dad. He’s gone. I know how much you two loved each other. But I also know that Dad wouldn’t have wanted you to spend the rest of your life alone. All I care about is that you are happy.”
“I am. It’s just that…when he dropped me off at the airport, it wasn’t left the way I had hoped.”
“What does that mean?” he asked.