Page 52 of Cherished Memories (The Next Chapter)
It felt like forever since I’d been with her at her house, in her bed. I should’ve anticipated when I knocked on her door, and we kissed, that we’d be consumed by the need built up within us.
We could spend the entire day naked in bed together. I wouldn’t mind that, except there were things that we kept saying we needed to talk about, and the longer we put it off, the more likely we’d never discuss them.
Once again, that warning came from my brother Richard. But he hadn’t told me anything that I didn’t already know. Danielle was the only woman for me. I should treasure every moment we have together, and don’t hold back. For a man who never had a relationship, Richard sure gave some good relationship advice. At least where Danielle and I were concerned.
“Why don’t we get up and I’ll reheat dinner,” I suggested.
“I guess since you went through all the trouble of making it, I should eat it,” she said, stretching.
“You don’t sound very excited,” I joked.
“I don’t know why. You told me that it might be edible,” she giggled. “But honestly, I’m starving. Even if it tastes like plastic, I think I’ll eat it,” she said.
“I’m glad to see you haven’t set your expectations too high. Now I’m not worried about you being disappointed,” I laughed as I got out of bed.
“You haven’t disappointed me yet,” she teased, trying to tempt me to return to her.
I bent over, grabbed my jeans and said, “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
A few minutes later Danielle joined me. “Hmm, I smell coffee.”
“You do.” I handed her a cup and said, “I just put the dinner in the oven, so we have time to sit and talk.”
“Good. It seems like we’ve been trying to do that for over a week, without success,” she said.
“I promised you at the memorial service yesterday that we’d make the time today. We got a little bit…distracted, but we have no excuse now. Do you want to go sit in the living room?” I asked.
Once we sat down, I figured I’d start with what I learned on my way to see her today. “I received a call from Detective Jones. It seems that the owner of QueenBee’s was in some serious financial bind. Has a gambling problem and owes almost a half million dollars. He hired his son’s girlfriend to torch my restaurant so that when she torched his, it would look like a serial arson, instead of an insurance scam.”
“So you’ve been cleared. They finally believed what I’ve known all along. You’re innocent,” she said, her eyes beaming with joy. It was nice to see that again. She’d been through so much lately, and all I wanted to do was give her reasons to smile.
“Yes they do. And thank you for believing in me. You didn’t doubt me for a second,” I said.
“Of course not. I already told you why,” she said, taking my hand in hers. “I care. Maybe too much.”
I squeezed her hand. “Not too much for me. I…love the fact that you care so deeply. You’re passionate about things you care about, people you care about.”
“I hope you know that you’re one of those people, Robert. I care about you more than I ever thought possible,” she said.
“And I feel the same way. Danielle, I know we have only really known each other for a couple of weeks, but I feel as though we’ve been connected since the very beginning. It just took us a long time to find our way to each other than most.” I brushed the stray hairs that had fallen across her face and tucked them behind her ear. I couldn’t believe I was about to say words that I’d never had the inclination to utter before. “Danielle, I’m fifty-nine years old and have never been married, or in a long term committed relationship. There hasn’t been anyone that I wanted to share my life with, in that way. But you changed that. I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but I know I want to face it with you. Whatever it is, I want you by my side. I love you, Danielle. And I hope that Katherine was right, and you love me too,” I said.
A single tear rolled down her cheek and she said, “I’ve loved you, even before I knew you. Somehow you stole a part of me all those years ago, and until we crossed paths again, I’ve never been whole. You’ve been by my side through some of the most difficult times for me. You might not have told me that you loved me, but you’ve been showing me all along. I’m not worried about tomorrow. Not with you by my side.”
I pulled her onto my lap and said, “Danielle. I’m here for as long as you’ll have me.”
“Then I guess you’re never leaving,” she smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.
I kissed her and then said, “There’s so much more for us to talk about, like where to live, here or in Westerly.”
“Your family is in Westerly. I think with your sister being pregnant, it would be nice to be close to her,” she said.
“Speaking of Katherine, why do I have a feeling that you know something that I don’t,” I said.