Page 4 of Cherished Memories (The Next Chapter)
“Whatever it is, I can prove to you that it is my purse hanging on that hook. My wallet is inside, and my license should be enough proof for you,” I stated.
He stepped aside and said, “That won’t be necessary. I’m a priest, not a cop, and if you’re doing something wrong, God already knows. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe the couple is ready. I must return to my duties. Have a nice evening, Miss Clarkson.”
“You too, Father Bennett.”
I couldn’t help but watch him as he walked away. He was still a very attractive man, but thankfully my body wasn’t reacting to him as it had long ago.
Standing there holding my purse, I contemplated going back to let Ellen know that I was feeling better. But that would come with questions I wanted to avoid. The best thing I could do was leave and deal with the inquiry tomorrow, because even if Father Bennett didn’t remember the amazing kiss we’d shared years ago, I did.
The best kiss I’d ever had was from a man I could never kiss again. What a waste.
I couldn’t help it. As I got inside my car, I burst out laughing. If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought Lori was pranking me once again.