Page 22 of Cherished Memories (The Next Chapter)
“To remind you of our kiss?” he asked.
“No, to harass me about Father Bennett,” I said.
“I think you can call him Richard at this point.”
“I couldn’t do that. It’s not…right,” I said. “I’m not even sure I could face him again after I confronted him at the church.”
“He didn’t seem troubled about it. Actually, he was more upset with me. He believes I was not very…respectful to you at the wedding. Is that how you feel?” he asked.
“When I thought you were a priest, I thought you were being…inappropriate. Now that I know you’re not, I guess maybe you were just flirting,” I said. And I should’ve been flattered.
“Maybe we can start again.”
“You mean, a clean slate? Like as if we just met?” I asked.
He nodded. “In a way, we have. The only thing I really know about you is that your kisses are sweeter than any other.”
“You’re just saying that,” I said.
He looked me in the eyes and said, “Trust me, I’m not a flatterer. You’re not the only one who never forgot that kiss. Your delicious lips have been in several of my fantasies.”
Neither of us noticed the waitress had returned until she cleared her throat. “How is everything?” she asked.
I heard Robert let out a low growl, and her expression changed. She left our table in a hurry. I was glad for the interruption. This dinner was taking a direction I hadn’t anticipated. There was a time I would have loved to hear those words from him, but I’m not the young vibrant girl I used to be. And I didn’t need to know any more about him to know he wasn’t the settling-down type.
The only thing we have in common is how we kiss.
“I think we should call it a night. I have a long ride home,” I said.
“So soon? I thought you wanted to drive my Mustang,” he said.
“Some things are better left wanting, instead of actually doing,” I said, hoping he caught my meaning.
He got up and said, “Let me walk you to your car.”
“That’s fine. The valet will get it. Thank you again for dinner. It was nice being able to sit and talk.”
“I agree. I hope we can do it again,” he said.
I nodded and walked away before he tried to get a commitment out of me, or worse, tried to kiss me goodnight. I had come and done what I set out to do – I’d gotten closure on a painful, formative moment from my past. Tomorrow, thoughts of Robert can be filed under memories, instead of fantasies.
Well, maybe one last one tonight won’t hurt.