Page 53 of Dangerous Notes (Dark Pen)
Sebastian continues on, this time addressing his comment to all of them in the room. “I want you to know I’ve personally handled Jar Omar. He will no longer give you any problems regarding previous business between you. More importantly, I can guarantee that he will never pose a threat to either of you ever again.”
“How the hell did you pull that off?” Atlas asks.
“Better that you do not know,” his father answers with a small chuckle. “Just know it is done.”
Z asks the question I had on the tip of my tongue. “I didn’t think Omar was behind the assassination attempt?”
“Oh, he wasn’t. With Dex’s help, I have sorted that out as well. Several of our clients that lost their valuable artwork in the warehouse explosion had banded together to pay for the assassin. Seems they were not happy with our promises to replace their goods with alternate paintings and valuables.”
Atlas argues back. “Well then, how the hell did you sort that out then? If they refuse our offers of replacements as amends, now what?”
Sebastian sighed. “I negotiated a cash payout to reimburse each of them. They wisely accepted my one-time offer.”
Atlas’s mouth agape is my first indication of how surprised he is by his father’s solution.
“But… You swore you weren’t going to empty our accounts for a payout like this,” Atlas argued.
“And I haven’t,” his father answered, a small smile on his face.
Sebastian takes a small step closer to his son. Z and I exchange a quick glance and I can tell he is thinking the same thing I am—we really shouldn’t be here for this very private conversation between father and son. At least I have a good excuse for not leaving. I am feeling a bit nauseous.
Sebastian finally explains himself. “I paid off the outstanding debts from the lost art with funds from the Rossi family business accounts. I transferred the money from my Rome bank account just this morning. It is done. Those who felt aggrieved have been made whole and they will no longer be a threat to you, Dex, or Ms. Key. ”
I only know a tiny bit about the complicated relationship these two men have had in the past, but that is enough to know that his father’s actions are most unexpected.
“You used Rossi family money?” Atlas questions, still trying to understand.
“You may have kept your mother’s last name, but are you not a Rossi too? I’ve decided I’m getting too old to keep this line of distinction between the two halves of my life. I am equally proud of each—of you, my son. I no longer wish to keep you and your mother hidden away.”
“I don’t understand.” Atlas seems uncharacteristically confused.
“It’s simple, really. After Ms. Key heals, I’ll be expecting both of you as my guests in Rome. It’s time you meet the rest of your family—your brothers, nieces, and nephews. And if you wish to join the family business, there will be a place waiting for you on the management team.
“Don’t worry about it right now. Just focus on Ms. Key’s recovery and we will discuss this more upon your arrival in Rome.”
My heart lurches at the news. Part of me is so happy for Atlas. He may have said that he’s happy with the current relationship with his father, but surely this opportunity will be a welcome change for him. It’s his way to go legitimate, to get out of the dangerous game of art theft. To become part of his larger family after all of these years of being on the outside.
With just a simple, “Thank you,” thrown out in my direction, Sebastian spins around and walks out of my room, leaving the three of us remaining in a bit of shock.
Z snaps out of it first. “Congratulations, man. That is awesome news all around. I’ll let my security team know that it looks like the hit has been canceled. Maybe things can get back to normal around here, whatever that is.”
As the door slams behind Z, leaving Atlas and me alone again, it feels like a gong has gone off—telling me that it is time to return to the reality of my life. The fairytale is over. Atlas will go to Rome and me—I’ll go back to New York and get back to work. I push down the temptation to feel sorry for myself, after all, I always knew whatever this game we’d been playing would have to come to an end one day.
And it could be worse. At least I don’t have to run back to Boston to start completely over again.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“What are you doing?” I ask Valentina as I see her out of bed and getting dressed as if she’s got somewhere to go and in a hurry.
“I’ve been stuck in this room and in this bed for a week. I feel fine other than being a little sore. You and Z have been suffocating me with all the worry. But I promise, I’m good to go.” She looks at me and gives me a weak smile. “It’s time I get back to New York and get back to work.” She continues getting dressed, ignoring my concern. “And you have family business to take care of in Rome.”